How to Install Ajenti Control Panel in Debian and Ubuntu

Ajenti is an open-source web-based control panel that allows users to manage their servers and applications through a graphical user interface. It is written in Python and is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Debian and Ubuntu.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through steps required to install Ajenti Control Panel in Debian and Ubuntu.

Step 1: Update system

Before proceeding with installation process, we need to update system to latest packages. To do this, open terminal and enter following command −

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install necessary packages

Next, we need to install necessary packages required for Ajenti installation. Enter following command in terminal −

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev python3-lxml libffi-dev libssl-dev python3-setuptools python3-wheel build-essential

Step 3: Install Ajenti

Once necessary packages are installed, we can proceed with installation of Ajenti. Enter following command in terminal −

sudo apt install ajenti

Step 4: Start Ajenti service

After installation is complete, we need to start Ajenti service. Enter following command in terminal −

sudo systemctl start ajenti.service

Step 5: Enable Ajenti service on boot

If you want to enable Ajenti service to start automatically on boot, enter following command in terminal −

sudo systemctl enable ajenti.service

Step 6: Access Ajenti Control Panel

Ajenti Control Panel can be accessed through a web browser. Open a web browser and enter following URL −


Replace "your-server-ip-address" with IP address of your server. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. Enter root username and password to log in to Ajenti Control Panel.

Step 7: Configure firewall

By default, Ajenti Control Panel listens on port 8000. If you have a firewall enabled on your server, you need to allow incoming traffic on port 8000. For example, if you are using UFW, you can allow incoming traffic on port 8000 with following command −

sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp

Step 8: Install Ajenti plugins

Ajenti Control Panel comes with a basic set of plugins that allow you to manage your server and applications. However, there are many additional plugins available that can extend functionality of Ajenti. To install additional plugins, you can use Ajenti Plugin Manager. To access Plugin Manager, log in to Ajenti Control Panel and click on "Plugins" button in top menu bar. From there, you can browse and install new plugins.

Step 9: Update Ajenti

It is important to keep your software up to date to ensure that you have latest features and security patches. To update Ajenti, you can use following command −

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ajenti

Step 10: Uninstall Ajenti

If you no longer need Ajenti Control Panel, you can uninstall it with following command −

sudo apt remove ajenti

Step 11: Secure Ajenti

After installing Ajenti Control Panel, it is important to take some security measures to ensure safety of your server. Here are some best practices to follow −

  • Change default password − After installation, default username and password are "root" and "admin," respectively. It is essential to change default password to a strong and unique one to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) − Ajenti supports 2FA, which adds an extra layer of security to your account. You can enable 2FA by going to "My Account" in top right menu and selecting "Two-Factor Authentication."

  • Use SSL/TLS encryption − Ajenti Control Panel can use SSL/TLS encryption to secure communication between server and web browser. To enable SSL/TLS, you need to obtain an SSL/TLS certificate and configure Ajenti to use it.

  • Limit access to Ajenti − You can restrict access to Ajenti Control Panel to specific IP addresses or networks. To do this, you can configure your firewall to allow incoming traffic only from trusted sources.

  • Regularly update Ajenti − As with any software, Ajenti Control Panel needs to be updated regularly to ensure that you have latest security patches and bug fixes.

Step 12: Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during installation or use of Ajenti Control Panel, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try −

  • Check Ajenti logs − You can find Ajenti logs in /var/log/ajenti/ directory. Check logs for any error messages that might indicate cause of issue.

  • Restart Ajenti service − Sometimes, restarting Ajenti service can resolve issues. You can do this with following command −

sudo systemctl restart ajenti.service

Check system requirements: Ensure that your server meets system requirements for Ajenti Control Panel.

Step 13: Customize Ajenti

Ajenti Control Panel provides a variety of customization options that allow you to tailor interface to your specific needs. Here are some of ways you can customize Ajenti −

  • Themes − Ajenti Control Panel comes with a few built-in themes that you can use to change appearance of interface. You can select a theme by going to "Settings" in top menu bar and selecting "Appearance."

  • Language − Ajenti Control Panel is available in multiple languages. You can change language by going to "Settings" in top menu bar and selecting "Language."

  • Layout − You can customize layout of interface by adding or removing widgets from dashboard. To add a widget, click on "+" button in top right corner of dashboard. To remove a widget, click on "x" button in top right corner of widget.

  • Plugins − Ajenti Control Panel comes with a variety of built-in plugins that provide functionality for managing your server and applications. You can install additional plugins to extend functionality of Ajenti.

Step 14: Use Ajenti for Server Management

Once you have installed and customized Ajenti Control Panel, you can use it for server management tasks such as −

  • Managing users and permissions

  • Monitoring server performance

  • Configuring network settings

  • Managing services and processes

  • Installing and configuring applications

  • Managing databases

Step 15: Contribute to Ajenti Community

Ajenti is an open-source project, which means that it is maintained by a community of developers and contributors. If you find a bug or have a suggestion for improving Ajenti Control Panel, you can contribute to project by −

  • Reporting bugs − If you encounter a bug or issue with Ajenti, you can report it on Ajenti GitHub repository.

  • Contributing code − If you are a developer, you can contribute code to Ajenti project. Ajenti GitHub repository provides instructions on how to contribute code.

  • Testing releases − You can help Ajenti community by testing new releases and providing feedback on any issues you encounter.

  • Writing documentation − You can help improve Ajenti documentation by contributing to Ajenti Wiki or by writing tutorials and guides.


Ajenti Control Panel is a powerful tool for managing servers and applications. In this tutorial, we have shown you how to install Ajenti Control Panel in Debian and Ubuntu. By following steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily manage your server and applications through a graphical user interface.

Updated on: 10-May-2023

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