How to Get Total Inodes of Root Partition?


Before we dive into the topic of how to get total inodes of root partition, let's start with understanding what inodes actually are. Inodes, short for Index Nodes, is a data structure used by the file system to store information about files and directories. Every file or directory on a Unix-based system has an inode associated with it, which contains metadata such as permissions, timestamps, and other attributes.

In simple terms, an inode acts as a pointer to where data is stored on the hard drive. It is worth noting that unlike file names or directory names which can be changed without altering their content or location on the hard disk, an inode number uniquely identifies a particular file or directory and cannot be changed.

Understanding Root Partition

Definition and Explanation of Root Partition

The root partition is the first directory level in the hierarchical structure of a Unix-like file system. It is represented by a forward slash (/) and is the topmost level of any file system.

The root partition contains all the necessary files, folders, and directories required for a Linux operating system to function correctly. The root partition houses critical system files in directories such as /bin, /sbin, /lib, /usr, /etc, and others.

These directories contain essential programs that are necessary for booting up the system as well as starting and running various services or applications on the computer. Because of its critical nature in the file system hierarchy, it is essential to have an understanding of what it does and how it works.

Importance of Root Partition in the File System

The importance of a root partition in any file system cannot be overstated. Without it, a computer would not be able to boot up or run any processes essential to its functioning correctly.

All other partitions or mount points depend on this directory structure to exist since they get mounted under this hierarchy. Additionally, having separate partitions for specific purposes can help with security measures by isolating sensitive data or files that should not be accessible by users or applications that do not require them.

This division also helps manage disk space since each partition can have its limits set independently. Overall, understanding what a root partition is and how it works enables users to manage their systems effectively while ensuring smooth and efficient operation.

Methods to Get Total Inodes of Root Partition

Using df command to get total inodes

Using the `df` command is the easiest way to check the total number of inodes available on a Linux file system, including the root partition. The `df` command stands for "disk free" and is used to display information about file systems. To get the total inodes using `df`, you need to use its `-i` option along with the name of the root partition.

Explanation and usage of df command

The `df -i` command displays information about your file system's inode usage instead of disk space usage. This option prints out a list showing all available partitions, their size, used space, available space, and most importantly, total number of inodes. To use this command for getting total inodes on root partition −

$ df -i / 

This will display output similar to −

Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/sda1 1280000 51512 1228488 5% /  

Limitations and drawbacks of using df command

While using `df` might be an easy way to check for inode usage and availability, it has some limitations. First off, it only gives you a summary of inode usage without much information about individual directories or files. It also doesn't allow you to see which files or directories are taking up most of your inodes.

Using tune2fs Command to Get Total Inodes

Another way to check your root partition's available inodes is by using the `tune2fs` command. Unlike `df`, this method provides more details about what is taking up your inode space.

Explanation and usage of tune2fs command

The `tune2fs` command is used to adjust various parameters on an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system. By using the `-l` option with this command, you can see the detailed information related to your filesystem including total number of inodes.

To use this command for getting total inodes on root partition −

$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep "Inode count"  

This will display an output similar to −

Inode count: 1280000  

Limitations and drawbacks of using tune2fs command

One downside to using `tune2fs` is that it requires root privileges to run. Additionally, it provides you with a lot of information about your file system which might be overwhelming if you're only interested in inode usage. It also doesn't provide information about individual directories or files.

Tips for Managing Inode Usage on Root Partition

What happens when you run out of inodes?

Inodes are an essential part of the file system, and every file on a Linux system is linked to an inode. In case you run out of inodes, it can severely impact the system's performance and cause critical errors. When the root partition reaches its maximum inode capacity, no further files or directories can be created until some inodes are freed up.

The most common cause of running out of inodes is creating too many small files. To avoid this issue, it's crucial to keep track of your inode usage and make sure that you don't exceed the limit.

How to check inode usage on root partition?

To check your current inode usage, you can use the "df -i" command. This command displays information about the filesystem's disk space usage and also shows how many inodes are being used by each partition. If you notice that your root partition's inode usage is getting close to its maximum limit, it's time to start freeing up some space.

How to free up inode usage on root partition?

One way to free up inode usage is by deleting unnecessary files or directories. You can identify any large files that might be taking up too many inodes by running a disk usage analysis tool like "du." Another way is to adjust folder permissions so that multiple small files occupy a single inode rather than separate ones.

Additionally, it might be helpful to move certain directories containing large amounts of small files (such as /var/log) onto their own partitions with higher limits for inodes. This will relieve pressure on the root partition and reduce your risk of running out of available inodes.

Managing your system's available inodes requires proactive maintenance practices such as regularly monitoring disk usage and keeping track of inode usage. By following the tips outlined above, you can avoid running into critical errors and improve your system's overall performance.


Understanding the total number of inodes on your root partition is crucial for maintaining system performance and preventing potential issues. The root partition is an essential part of the file system, and it contains important system files that are needed for booting up and running the operating system. Knowing how many inodes are available on the root partition is crucial because if you run out of inodes, it can cause serious problems, such as file corruption, data loss, or even system failure.

In this article, we've discussed two methods for getting the total number of inodes on your root partition: using the df command and using the tune2fs command. While both methods have their limitations and drawbacks, they are still effective tools for monitoring inode usage on your root partition.

Additionally, we've provided some tips on how to manage inode usage on your root partition to prevent running out of inodes. It's easy to overlook inode usage when managing your Linux file systems.

Updated on: 06-Jun-2023


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