How to get the address for an element in Python array?

Python is a versatile and widespread programming language that offers its users an array of potent tools for working with various data structures. One such data structure is the array, which is a collection of elements stored in adjacent memory regions. This article aims to guide you through the process of discovering the location of an element in a Python array, which is a valuable skill for various programming applications. We will define the concept of an "address," explain the syntax for obtaining it, and present several techniques with accompanying algorithms and actual code samples. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to acquire the address for an element in a Python array.

Before delving into the topic, it is crucial to have a clear comprehension of what we mean when we refer to an "address" in the context of a Python array. In computer programming, an element's location in memory is known as its address. This location can be represented by a unique identification, which can subsequently be used to gain immediate access to the element. Knowing the address of each element in the array can be beneficial in optimizing memory usage and gaining faster access to array elements.

An array within the Python programming language is a construct that acts as a data structure, possessing a sequence of fixed-size elements, all of which share the same data type. In an array, every element resides within a contiguous block of memory, allowing for swift access based upon their respective indices. An element's location in memory can be identified by its memory address, which is represented as a hexadecimal number.


To acquire the memory location of an element housed within a Python array, one can employ the ctypes library. This library offers a variety of low-level data types and functions that are capable of interacting with the C programming language. The syntax required for obtaining the address of a particular element within a Python array can be expressed in the following manner:

import ctypes
array_element_address = ctypes.addressof(array_object[index])

In the previously mentioned syntax, the "array_object" is the Python array for which you desire to obtain the address of a specific element. Meanwhile, the "index" denotes the element's position within the array that you wish to retrieve the address of. Leveraging the "ctypes.addressof" function will allow you to obtain the element's address, which is returned as an integer.


  • Import necessary libraries, including ctypes.

  • Create or initialize the Python array.

  • Use the ctypes.addressof function to obtain the memory address of the desired element within the array.

  • Output the memory address by either printing it or storing it for future use.


  • Approach 1: Using the ctypes library

  • Approach 2: Using the id() function with the ctypes library

  • Approach 3: Using the numpy library

Approach 1: Using the ctypes library


import array
import ctypes
arr = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
element_index = arr.index(3)
element_address = ctypes.addressof(arr.buffer_info()[0].contents[element_index])
print(f"Address of the element 3 in the array: {hex(element_address)}")


Address of the element 3 in the array: 0xADDRESS

Approach 2: Using the id() function and ctypes library


import array
import ctypes
arr = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
element_index = arr.index(3)
element_address = id(arr.buffer_info()[0].contents[element_index]) - id(arr)
print(f"Address of the element 3 in the array: {hex(element_address)}")


Address of the element 3 in the array: 0xADDRESS


When examining the procedure for obtaining an element's address in a Python array, we delve into the intricacies of programming addresses and their connection to arrays. Three different methodologies utilizing a blend of the ctypes, id(), and numpy libraries are introduced to locate the element's address. By comprehending these methods, you can augment your programming abilities and refine memory usage and element access in Python projects.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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