How to Get Rid of a Wasp's Nest?

A wasp's nest can cause a lot of danger to people living nearby. Not only are wasp stings excruciating, but they can damage your house as well. So, it becomes crucial to remove wasp nests. Read along to find out how to get rid of these nests.

Do you need Professional Assistance to remove wasp nests?

Yes, it is essential to call upon professional assistance. Without professional help, there is a considerable risk of getting stung and even causing property damage. It would help if you avoided DIY wasp nest removal techniques because of their chances. These techniques are always likely to backfire, and you will be under attack after applying these. If you see a wasp nest, bring in the professionals to remove it; never try to remove it yourself!

Methods to avoid while removing wasp nests

There are many out there using the internet's help to know methods to remove wasp nests. Many ways mentioned in some articles can prove fatal for the individual. Wasps are very aggressive creatures, requiring almost no external disturbance to launch a risky attack. Here are some methods to avoid:

  • Burning wasp nests − This method is hazardous. Wasp nests are constructed of a thin, paper-like material created by pulping wood. This substance makes the nest extremely flammable. Just because of the explosive nature, burning wasp nests can result in the entire property being set to fire, and in that process, individuals can even suffer painful burns! Apart from burning up everything, this method has another problem. After burning up the nests, all the wasps inside are not killed. It can lead to remaining wasps in the nests attacking everyone nearby.

  • Using water to remove nests − This method could be more effective. Flooding a nest is very bad because it does not kill all the wasps inside the nest, and the remaining wasps will become violent and attack everyone nearby. Depending on where the wasp nest is located, this method can also cause property damage! If the nest is in your attic, employing water to remove it might result in water damage to ceiling plaster boards and attic timbers.

  • Destroying a nest with something − Using something such as a racket or a bat to destroy a wasp nest directly makes you run the chance of being stung by wasps several times and just once. If you do this, it's risky. The one hitting the nest is allergic to wasp stings. Wasp stings with this condition directly send the individual into anaphylactic shock. Even before hitting, there is a risk of getting stung by wasps.

What are the proper methods to get rid of a wasp nest?

When you don't have access to a professional, and you want to remove a wasp nest, these are the steps you need to follow:

  • During the night, carefully and discreetly make your way up to the nest.

  • Cover the nest gradually with a rubbish bag.

  • Remove the wasp nest from the tree or the wall it was adhered to.

  • Place the bag in a closed-lid trash can outside of your home.

If possible, it is advised to use some pest control product before detaching the nest from the surface. Therefore, it will be easier to cover the bag with the nest and dump it outside.

If the wasp nest is on a tree or underneath the gutters, it is advised not to try and remove nests at those very places as it can cause severe injuries for the least experienced.

Why are all the professionals primarily required for wasp nest removal?

All the professionals are hired to remove wasp nests because they possess a lot of knowledge and expertise in this field. They are taught to work in tiny spaces, which is why they are very comfortable working in these complex situations where you have limited space.

They have excellent knowledge of wasps, their behaviors, and their instincts. And also on how to react to cases where people are stung by a wasp.

Using different pest control products in different situations is also one of the skills in their repertoire. They have access to different products not available to the public and have a history of successfully eliminating wasp nests. They also use various types of safety equipment. It plays a massive role in protecting them from wasp stings.

How to prevent wasp nests?

Read along to find out how to get rid of wasp nests forever. Here, some measures are discussed on how to stop the formation of wasp nests in your house, your garden, or any place near your home:

  • Get used to checking your house daily to ensure that all the cracks and potential entry points are completely sealed.

  • To keep wasps out of your house, put fly screens on your windows and doors.

  • Place wasp traps around your garden. These traps are readily available in a nearby store or online. Or else, you can make one for yourself by using things such as a water bottle, water, sugar, etc. Lots of YouTube tutorials are there as well, go and look at them to learn more about traps and all!

Updated on: 26-Jun-2023


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