How to Fix semanage command Not Found Error in CentOS/RHEL?


The Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a mandatory access control (MAC) security mechanism that is implemented in a kernel to provide more granular access controls. SELinux was designed to augment the traditional Linux access controls which were based on User and Group Identities to provide Mandatory Access Control (MAC). This was an important step towards better security for users and applications.

The semanage command is a tool that can be used to manage SELinux policies without requiring knowledge of low-level SELinux policy language. With semanage, you can create or edit SELinux policies and modify various aspects of SELinux policy modules, such as user mappings, file context mappings, port type mappings, etc.

Common Error Message: “semanage command not found”

If you are trying to use the semanage command on CentOS/RHEL but you get an error message saying "semanage command not found", it means that the command is not installed or its location is not included in your system's PATH environment variable.

This issue can be frustrating because it prevents you from managing your SELinux policies using common commands like semanage fcontext or semanage port -a. However, this problem has a simple solution that can be resolved by installing the correct packages or setting up your system correctly.

Understanding the Error

Reasons for the error

The "semanage command not found" error occurs when the semanage package is not installed on your CentOS/RHEL system. Semanage is a command line tool that helps you manage SELinux policies on your system. Without this tool, you won't be able to perform essential tasks like changing file contexts or adding new policies.

Another reason for this error could be that the semanage package was removed accidentally or deliberately from your system. This can happen during software updates or if another package conflicted with it.

Checking if semanage is installed

To check if semanage is installed on your CentOS/RHEL system, open a terminal window and type the following command −


If you see an error message that says "bash: semanage: command not found", then semanage is not installed on your system.

Checking if PATH variable is set up correctly

The PATH variable contains a list of directories where the shell looks for commands. If this variable is not set up correctly, you may get errors when trying to run commands like semanage. To check if the PATH variable is set up correctly, open a terminal window and type the following command −

echo $PATH 

This will display the directories in which the shell searches for commands.

Check if "/usr/sbin" and "/sbin" are included in this list as these are some of the common directories where semanage command gets installed. If these directories are missing from your PATH variable, you can add them by editing your shell's profile file (e.g., ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc) and adding them to the end of the PATH line like so −

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin 

By following these steps, you can easily diagnose the error and understand the reasons that led to it on your system.

Fixing the Error

Installing semanage package using yum command

One possible solution to the “semanage command not found” error is to install the necessary semanage package using yum, a package manager for CentOS and RHEL distributions. First, check if yum is installed by running the following command −

yum --version 

If it is not yet installed, run this command to install it −

sudo yum install yum-utils 

With Yum installed, run the following commands in your terminal to download and install the necessary semanage package −

sudo yum update sudo yum install policycoreutils-python 

This should automatically install semanage along with its dependencies. Once done, you can check if semanage has been successfully installed by typing "semanage" in your terminal.

Adding EPEL repository and installing semanage package from there

Another approach is to add Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository and then use Yum to download and install the necessary packages including semanage. This method can be used when Yum fails to locate a particular package due to dependency issues. To begin with, add EPEL repository using this command −

sudo rpm -Uvh 

Once added successfully, run this command below in your terminal −

sudo yum --enablerepo=epel-testing -y update && sudo yum --enablerepo=epel-testing -y install policycoreutils-python-utils 

This will update Yum before downloading and installing all required dependencies including the latest version of semanage.

Manually installing semanage package from source code

The final approach to fixing semanage not found error involves manually downloading and installing the package from source code. This method requires a bit of technical knowledge and is not recommended for beginners. Download the necessary semanage package source code from this link −

Once downloaded, extract the files by running −

tar -xf selinux-2.xx.tar.gz 

Next, navigate to the folder where the extracted files are located and run these commands −

make make install 

These commands will configure, compile, and install the package. If successful, you can check if semanage has been installed correctly by typing "semanage" in your terminal.

Troubleshooting Tips

Checking for Conflicting Packages

If you have checked that semanage is installed and the PATH variable is set correctly, but still cannot use the command, there may be a conflict with another package. To check for any conflicting packages, run the following command −

$ rpm -qa | grep policycoreutils 

This will give you a list of all installed packages related to SELinux.

Make sure that there are no duplicate or conflicting packages. If there are any, remove them using the appropriate package manager command.

Updating System Packages

Sometimes the issue can be resolved by simply updating all system packages to their latest version. Use the following command to update all installed packages −

$ yum update -y 

After updating, check if semanage is working properly.

Restarting System Services

If updating and checking for conflicts did not fix the issue, try restarting the SELinux-related services such as setroubleshootd and auditd. Use the following commands to restart these services −

$ systemctl restart setroubleshootd.service 
$ systemctl restart auditd.service 

After restarting these services, try using semanage again and see if it's working properly now. By applying these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to fix "semanage command not found" error on your CentOS/RHEL system in no time!


After following the steps outlined in this article, the "semanage command not found" error should be resolved. Remember to regularly check for updates and keep system packages up to date, as this can prevent similar errors from occurring in the future. The semanage command is an important tool for securing and managing access control on CentOS/RHEL systems.

The error message may seem frustrating at first, but by understanding and troubleshooting the issue, you can quickly resolve it and get back to managing your system with ease. By staying vigilant about updates and package management, you can minimize the risk of encountering similar issues in the future.

Keeping your system packages up to date is crucial for maintaining a secure and stable environment on your server. New updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities discovered since previous releases. It's important to regularly check for available updates so that you don't miss out on important security fixes or performance improvements that could benefit your server operations.

By using package managers like yum or apt, you can easily keep your system packages updated with the latest patches and upgrades. Setting up automated updates can also save time and ensure that your server is always running on the most secure and stable version of its software.

Updated on: 12-Jun-2023

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