How to Fix Absolute Imports in TypeScript?


When working on TypeScript projects, organizing and managing module dependencies is essential for maintaining a clean and scalable codebase. Absolute imports offer a convenient way to reference modules using a fixed path relative to the project's root directory. However, configuring and fixing absolute imports can sometimes be challenging, especially for beginners. In this tutorial, we will explore various scenarios where absolute imports may encounter issues and discuss practical solutions to resolve them. By the end, you'll understand how to fix absolute import problems in TypeScript effectively.

Scenario 1: Missing TypeScript Configuration

Before utilizing absolute imports, we must ensure that our TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json) includes the necessary settings. Absolute imports will not work as intended if the configuration is missing or incomplete.

We must configure the baseUrl and paths properties in the tsconfig.json file to fix this. Here's an example of how to set it up −

  • Create or open the tsconfig.json file in the root directory of your TypeScript project.

  • Add the following code to define the baseUrl and paths properties −

   "compilerOptions": {
      "baseUrl": "./",
      "paths": {
         "@src/*": ["src/*"]

In this example, we set the baseUrl to the root directory (denoted by "./") and define a mapping for @src/* to the src/* path. The @src prefix is just an example and can be customized according to your project's needs.

Let's see how this configuration enables absolute imports −

File: src/index.ts

import { greeting } from '@src/utils';

File: src/utils.ts

export const greeting = 'Hello, world!';


'Hello, world!


By configuring the baseUrl and paths, we inform TypeScript that imports starting with @src/ should resolve to files in the src/ directory. Therefore, we can import the greeting variable from @src/utils directly without worrying about relative paths.

Scenario 2: Module Resolution Issues

In certain cases, TypeScript may struggle to resolve module paths correctly, leading to import errors. This commonly occurs when there are conflicting module names or issues with package installations.

To fix module resolution issues, we can leverage the baseUrl and paths configuration mentioned earlier. Let's consider two scenarios and their respective solutions −

2.1: Resolving Conflict with Node Modules

If you encounter conflicts between module names in your project and installed node modules, it's crucial to differentiate them to ensure proper resolution. Here's how to fix this problem −

  • Update your tsconfig.json file to include an additional path mapping −

   "compilerOptions": {
      "baseUrl": "./",
      "paths": {
         "@src/*": ["src/*"],
         "@node/*": ["node_modules/*"]

In this example, we add a new mapping for @node/* to node_modules/*. Again, note that @node can be customized to your preference.

  • Use the updated path mapping in your imports −

File: src/index.ts

import express from '@node/express';
// Rest of the code...


By including the @node path mapping, we explicitly specify that the express module should be imported from the node_modules directory, resolving any conflicts with local modules.

2.2: Fixing Incorrect Module Resolutions

Sometimes, TypeScript may struggle to resolve module paths correctly due to incorrect or incomplete configuration. In such cases, we can provide additional configuration to help TypeScript locate the modules correctly.

  • Update your tsconfig.json file with the appropriate paths for resolving modules −

   "compilerOptions": {
      "baseUrl": "./",
      "paths": {
         "@src/*": ["src/*"],
         "@components/*": ["src/components/*"]

In this example, we add a new mapping for @components/* to src/components/*.

  • Utilize the updated path mapping in your imports −

// File: src/index.ts
import { Button } from '@components/Button';
// Rest of the code...


By specifying the @components path mapping, we inform TypeScript to look for the Button component in the src/components directory. This ensures that module resolutions are accurate and prevent import errors.

Scenario 3: IDE/Editor Support

While TypeScript supports absolute imports, your IDE or editor may be unaware of the project's configuration, leading to incorrect suggestions or linting errors. We must ensure that our development environment recognizes the absolute import paths to resolve this issue.

Here's how you can enable IDE/editor support for absolute imports using popular tools like Visual Studio Code −

  • Install the TypeScript Declaration Files for Node.js −

npm install --save-dev @types/node
  • Configure the IDE/editor to use the correct TypeScript version −

    • Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to your project's root directory.

    • Create a .vscode folder if it doesn't exist, and within it, create a settings.json file.

    • Add the following configuration to settings.json −

   "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib"
  • Restart Visual Studio Code to apply the changes.


Installing the TypeScript Declaration Files for Node.js and configuring the IDE/editor to use the correct TypeScript version ensures that our development environment understands and supports absolute import paths. This leads to accurate suggestions, intellisense, and linting capabilities, enhancing our coding experience.


In this tutorial, we explored various scenarios related to fixing absolute imports in TypeScript. We discussed the importance of proper TypeScript configuration, resolving module conflicts, addressing incorrect module resolutions, and enabling IDE/editor support. By following the solutions provided in each scenario, you can overcome common issues and effectively utilize absolute imports in your TypeScript projects.

Remember to correctly configure the baseUrl and path properties in tsconfig.json, differentiate between local and node modules when necessary, and set up your development environment to support absolute import paths. With these techniques, you'll be able to maintain a cleaner codebase, enhance module organization, and improve the overall productivity of your TypeScript development workflow.

Updated on: 21-Aug-2023


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