How to Find and Terminate Kill MySQL Process?


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used in web development. It provides a fast and reliable way to store, organize, and retrieve data for your applications.

One of the most critical components of MySQL is its processes. These processes are responsible for executing queries, managing connections, and performing other tasks related to database operations.

MySQL processes are essential because they help ensure that your database runs smoothly and efficiently. They enable multiple clients to access the same database simultaneously while maintaining data consistency and integrity.

The Importance of Terminating Unwanted or Problematic Processes

Terminating unwanted or problematic MySQL processes is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps free up system resources used by these processes, freeing them up for other critical tasks.

Secondly, it prevents any negative impact on your application's performance caused by these problematic processes' inefficient use of resources. Moreover, if left unchecked over time, problematic MySQL processes can cause significant damage to your application's performance and reliability by putting an unnecessary burden on the server hardware or blocking other vital transactions from executing correctly.

Terminating unwanted or problematic MySQL processes is one of the essential maintenance tasks you should perform regularly to ensure optimal database performance and protect against potential issues that might arise in the future. The next section will discuss how you can identify running MySQL processes within your system effectively.

Identifying MySQL Processes

Overview of tools for identifying MySQL processes

Before terminating a problematic or unwanted MySQL process, it is crucial to identify the process and understand its purpose. The first step in identifying MySQL processes is finding the proper tools to do so.

Two commonly used tools are MySQL Workbench and the command line. MySQL Workbench is a graphical user interface that provides visual representations of server administration tasks, including monitoring running processes.

To identify the running processes using MySQL Workbench, users should follow these steps −

  • Open MySQL Workbench and connect to the server.

  • Click on "Server" from the top menu bar.

  • Select "Data Export/Restore."

  • In the left-hand pane, select "Performance Reports" and then select "System Dashboard."

  • In the main pane, click on "Processes" tab to view all active database connections.

Alternatively, users can use the command line tool available with their operating system to identify running processes in MySQL servers. For example, in Linux or Mac OS X systems with a standard installation of MySQL, users can use the following command −

$ sudo mysql -u root -p -e 'show full processlist\G' 

This command will show a detailed list of all active database connections with corresponding thread IDs and execution time.

Steps for using each tool to identify running processes

Once users have access to either tool (MySQL Workbench or Command Line), they can follow specific steps to identify running processes: For MySQL Workbench −

  • Open up SQL editor window by clicking on “SQL Editor” from home page

  • Run this query: “SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST;”

  • Results panel will appear showing all current connections actively being used For Command Line −

    • Navigate through terminal to MySQL environment using following command −

$ mysql -u [username] -p; 
    • Show the list of all running processes using following command −

mysql> show processlist; 

These steps will help users identify active connections or processes that are currently running on the MySQL server. Once identified, further investigation can determine if the processes are problematic or unwanted and should be terminated.

Determining Which Processes to Terminate

Identifying Problematic or Unwanted Processes

Before terminating a MySQL process, it is important to determine whether it is problematic or unwanted. A process may be consuming too much CPU, taking too long to complete, or causing other issues. In some cases, a process may not be completing its task properly and causing data errors or inconsistencies.

Users should therefore carefully evaluate the processes running on their system before terminating them. One way to identify potentially problematic processes is by monitoring system performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O.

In particular, high CPU usage can indicate a process that is consuming excessive resources and may need to be terminated. Additionally, users can look at the duration of each running process to identify those that have been running for an unusually long time.

Tips for Identifying Potential Issues

To avoid accidentally terminating critical processes or causing data loss or corruption, users should take precautions when identifying potential issues with MySQL processes. First and foremost, they should regularly monitor the performance of their system and individual processes so that they can detect any abnormalities early on. Additionally, users should pay close attention to warning messages generated by MySQL when they attempt to terminate a process.

These messages may indicate other processes that are dependent on the one being terminated or that there are open transactions in progress that will need to be completed before termination can safely occur.

Terminating MySQL Processes

Now that we have identified problematic or unwanted MySQL processes, it's time to terminate them. This can be done using various tools, such as MySQL Workbench and the command line. In order to ensure a safe termination without causing data loss or corruption, it is important to follow best practices for terminating MySQL processes.

Step-by-step Guide for Terminating a Process

The following steps outline how to terminate a process using MySQL Workbench −

  • MySQL Workbench and connect to your server.

  • Go to the "Management" tab and click on "Data Export/Restore".

  • Click on the "Running Processes" tab.

  • Identify the process you want to terminate and click on the corresponding "Kill" button.

  • Confirm that you want to terminate the process.

To terminate a process using the command line −

  • Open your terminal and log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.

  • Type in "mysql -u username -p" (replace "username" with your own username).

  • Enter your password when prompted.

  • Type in "SHOW PROCESSLIST;" to display all running processes.

  • Identify the process you want to terminate by looking at its ID (in the first column) and type in "KILL [process ID];" (replace "[process ID]" with the actual ID of the process).

  • If successful, you will see a message indicating that the process has been killed.

Best Practices for Ensuring a Safe Termination

It is important to follow best practices when terminating MySQL processes in order to avoid data loss or corruption −

  • Only terminate processes that are unnecessary or problematic – do not kill processes just because they are running.

  • Always try to identify potential issues before terminating a process – if you're not sure whether a process should be terminated, consult with a database administrator or other technical expert.

  • Use caution when terminating long-running queries – make sure that terminating the query won't result in incomplete transactions or data inconsistencies.

  • Take backups regularly – if something goes wrong during the termination process, having a recent backup can help you recover from any issues.

  • Always confirm that you want to terminate a process before doing so – this will help you avoid mistakenly terminating the wrong process.


Finding and terminating unwanted or problematic MySQL processes is an essential task for anyone working with MySQL databases. Identifying and eliminating these processes can lead to improved performance and reliability of your database systems.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now have a solid understanding of how to identify running MySQL processes, determine which ones need to be terminated, and safely terminate them without causing any data loss or corruption.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023


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