How to create a Bars icon using jQuery Mobile


Bars icons are used as the navbar lines in the small screens. As the desktop mode of the screen shows the navbar in full view with navigation items but in the responsive nature of the navbar it only shows the bars line on the screen. So to build the bars icon using jQuery mobile can be achieved by defining the data−role attribute to any element with the value of “bars”. The bars is a predefined data role attribute. It can also be done with the simple jQuery but jQuery mobile provides a responsive way to display the icons on the web page.

jQuery Mobile Content Delivery Network (CDN) Links

Add these CDN links to the head tag of the HTML document and add the script tag to the end of the body tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


The syntax to create a bars icon can be achieved using the button tag or an anchor tag.

<a data-role="button" data-icon="bars">Bars
<button data-icon="bars">Bars</button>


Step 1 − Create a HTML file in your text editor and add the HTML boilerplate to the file

Step 2 − Now add the jQuery CDN link to the head tag and the end of the body tag. The CDN links are given above.

Step 3 − Now create a HTML button using the <button> tag.

Step 4 − Add the data−icon attribute to the button and set the value of the data−icon as “bars”.

Step 5 − The bars icon is created successfully.


So in this example we have used the HTML button tag to create a bars icon. The default bars icon shows the button with default white color.

<title>bars icon using jQuery mobile</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <h3 style="text-align: center;color: green;"></h3>
        <p style="text-align: center;">(Bars icon using jQuery mobile)</p>
    <button href="index.html" data-icon="bars"
        style="width: 50%;margin: auto;margin-top: 2rem;">Bars</button>
<script src="">
    <script src="">


Step 1 − Create a HTML file in your text editor and add the HTML boilerplate to the file.

Step 2 − Now add the jQuery CDN link to the head tag and the end of the body tag. The CDN links are given above.

Step 3 − Now create a HTML anchor element using the tag and add a data−role attribute to it with the value to button.

Step 4 − Add the data−icon attribute to the anchor element and set the value of the data−icon as “bars”.

Step 5 − Add the data−theme attribute to the anchor element and set the data−theme value to “b” which means black.

Step 6 − Add the data−theme attribute to the anchor element and set the data−theme value to “b” which means black.


In this we will create an anchor element using the anchor tag and will add the data−role attribute and set the value to the button. In this example we will be creating the bars icon in dark theme by adding the data−theme value to “b”.

<title>bars icon using jQuery mobile dark theme</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <h3 style="text-align: center;color: green;"></h3>
        <p style="text-align: center;">(Bars icon using jQuery mobile dark theme)</p>
    <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-icon="bars" data-theme="b"
        style="width: 50%;margin: auto;margin-top: 2rem;">Bars</a>
<script src="">
    <script src="">


As we have used the data icon attribute to make the bars icon, there is one common thing in both the examples that both the elements are made button whether by default or by data role attribute. The data icon attributes mostly work with the button tag.

Updated on: 28-Aug-2023


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