How to copy a file’s content from a Linux terminal?

The robust command line interface (CLI) of Linux is renowned for enabling users to complete tasks quickly and effectively. Copying file content directly from the terminal is one of the many tasks Linux users frequently carry out. This article explores the subtleties of copying file content in Linux, explaining various approaches and providing detailed step-by-step instructions. Readers will gain a profound understanding of each strategy by carefully examining these approaches. Let's set out on this instructive journey to discover the complexities of copying file content in Linux.

Method 1: Using the 'cat' Command

In Linux, the 'cat' command is a flexible tool that enables users to combine files and display their contents. The contents of files can also be copied using it. 'cat' is primarily used to display a file's contents. For instance, open a terminal and enter the command shown below to view the content of a file called "file.txt" 

cat file.txt

The entire contents of "file.txt" will be displayed in the terminal after the command has been run. However, we must use the output redirection operator '>' in order to redirect the output in order to copy the content to another file. For illustration 

cat file.txt > copy.txt

The 'file.txt' command copies the contents to the new file 'copy.txt.' It will be created if 'copy.txt' doesn't already exist. The previous information will be replaced if it exists. Use the '>>' operator instead if you want to append the content to an already existing file 

cat file.txt >> existing_file.txt

Here, the content of 'file.txt' will be appended to 'existing_file.txt' without overwriting any existing content.

Method 2: Using the 'cp' Command

In Linux, the 'cp' command is primarily used to copy files, though it can also copy file contents. Open a terminal and enter the following command to copy a file's content 

cp file.txt copy.txt

This command copies the contents of "file.txt" into a new file called "copy.txt." 'copy.txt' will have its contents overwritten if it already exists. However, you can use the '-a' option to append the contents of 'file.txt' to an existing file without overwriting it 

cp -a file.txt copy.txt

With the '-a' option, the content of 'file.txt' will be appended to 'copy.txt' without affecting the existing content.

Method 3: Using the 'dd' Command

In Linux, the 'dd' command is a potent tool for copying and converting files. It can be used to copy file contents even though low-level disc operations are its usual use. Open a terminal and type the following command to copy a file's contents using "dd" 

dd if=file.txt of=copy.txt

In this case, "if" denotes the input file and "of" denotes the output file. 'file.txt' should be changed to the name of the file you want to copy, and 'copy.txt' should be changed to the name you want for the new file. By copying the contents of the source file to the destination file, the 'dd' command creates a new file.

Method 4: Using the 'xclip' Command

You can easily copy a file's contents to the clipboard with the help of the 'xclip' command. Make sure 'xclip' is installed on your system before using it. Open a terminal and enter the following commands to install 'xclip' on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions 

sudo apt-get install xclip

Once 'xclip' is installed, open a terminal and run the following command −

xclip -selection clipboard < file.txt

This command copies the content of 'file.txt' to the clipboard. You can then paste it into any application using the usual paste shortcut (Ctrl+V).

Additional Tips

1. Exploring Alternative Commands

Other commands and tools can copy file contents in addition to the ones already mentioned. For instance, the 'tee' command can display and write the content at the same time, and 'pv' (pipe viewer) can show the copying process's progress.

2. File Permissions and Ownership

Make sure you have the proper ownership and permissions to access and copy the file's contents. To modify permissions and ownership, use the 'chmod' and 'chown' commands as needed.

3. Copying Specific Sections of a File

Advanced techniques involve extracting and copying specific sections of a file using regular expressions or filters (like "grep" or "awk"). These techniques enable you to copy particular lines, patterns, or data from a file in accordance with predetermined standards.

4. Using Compression and Archiving Utilities

Mention that programs like "gzip" or "tar" allow you to copy a file's content while they are being compressed. For instance, the following command can be used to copy and compress a file 

tar czvf copy.tar.gz file.txt

Discuss how this approach allows you to create a compressed archive containing the file's content.

5. Copying Remote Files

Explain that you can copy the content of a file from a remote server using utilities like 'scp' or 'rsync.' These tools provide secure file copying over SSH connections.

Provide an example of copying a file's content from a remote server to the local machine using 'scp' −

scp username@remote_host:/path/to/file.txt copy.txt

Emphasize the need to replace 'username' with the appropriate remote username and 'remote_host' with the remote server's actual hostname or IP address.


Copying a file's content from the Linux terminal is a straightforward process once you are familiar with the appropriate commands. In this article, we explored four detailed methods: the 'cat' command, the 'cp' command, the 'dd' command, and the 'xclip' command. Each method provides different functionalities and advantages, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your requirements. By mastering these techniques, you can efficiently manipulate file contents without the need for a graphical interface. So, embrace the power of the Linux terminal and enhance your productivity!

Note  'file.txt' and 'copy.txt' in the provided commands should be changed to the correct filenames for your use case.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023

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