How to convert an old data frame to new data frame in R?

To convert an old data frame to a new data frame, we can simply set the new name. For example, if we have a data frame called df and want to convert it to a new one let’s say df_new then it can be done as df_new<-df. But if we want to change the column names as well then data.frame needs to be used and the new column names will be assigned as shown in the below examples.


Consider the below data frame −

Live Demo

> x1<-rpois(20,5)
> x2<-rpois(20,5)
> df1<-data.frame(x1,x2)
> df1


   x1 x2
1  8  6
2  4  9
3  3  2
4  3  5
5  7  4
6  4  8
7  8  6
8  12 12
9  8  6
10 8  6
11 3  4
12 8  3
13 8  8
14 1  8
15 7  7
16 7  2
17 6  6
18 8  4
19 1  7
20 3  7

Converting df1 to a new data frame −

> new_df1<-data.frame(v1=df1$x1,v2=df1$x2)
> new_df1


   v1 v2
1  8  6
2  4  9
3  3  2
4  3  5
5  7  4
6  4  8
7  8  6
8  12 12
9  8  6
10 8  6
11 3  4
12 8  3
13 8  8
14 1  8
15 7  7
16 7  2
17 6  6
18 8  4
19 1  7
20 3  7


Live Demo

> y1<-rnorm(20)
> y2<-rnorm(20)
> df2<-data.frame(y1,y2)
> df2


       y1          y2
1   0.16271874 -0.13815830
2  -0.71427991  0.59659353
3   0.91988256 -0.93139535
4   0.21826390 -1.05463645
5  -0.46250555  0.23841747
6  -2.33005442  0.01311722
7   0.07587324 -0.60952309
8   1.69626502 -0.54502419
9  -0.69264529 -1.61676626
10  0.52631934 -0.26636235
11  0.54617330 -1.52785395
12  0.06885748  0.79790822
13  1.21325507  1.36154991
14 -1.30941046 -2.13603119
15  0.87466151 -1.07515475
16  0.48641809  0.58819125
17 -1.06275086 -0.79261408
18 -0.59022569  0.08437131
19 -0.26362438 -1.31612747
20 -1.06148933 -0.36654012

Converting df2 to a new data frame −

> new_df2<-data.frame(Var1=df2$y1,Var2=df2$y2)
> new_df2


      Var1       Var2
1   0.16271874 -0.13815830
2  -0.71427991  0.59659353
3   0.91988256 -0.93139535
4   0.21826390 -1.05463645
5  -0.46250555  0.23841747
6  -2.33005442  0.01311722
7   0.07587324 -0.60952309
8   1.69626502 -0.54502419
9  -0.69264529 -1.61676626
10  0.52631934 -0.26636235
11  0.54617330 -1.52785395
12  0.06885748  0.79790822
13  1.21325507  1.36154991
14 -1.30941046 -2.13603119
15  0.87466151 -1.07515475
16  0.48641809  0.58819125
17 -1.06275086 -0.79261408
18 -0.59022569  0.08437131
19 -0.26362438 -1.31612747
20 -1.06148933 -0.36654012

Updated on: 05-Mar-2021


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