How to compute the sine of elements of a tensor in PyTorch?

To compute the sine of elements of a tensor, we use the torch.sin() method. It returns a new tensor with the sine values of the elements of the original input tensor. It takes a tensor as the input parameter and outputs a tensor.


  • Import the required library. In all the following Python examples, the required Python library is torch. Make sure you have already installed it.

  • Create a tensor and print it.

  • Compute torch.sin(input). It takes input, a tensor as input parameter, and returns a new tensor with the sine values of elements of the input.

  • Print the tensor with the sine values of elements of the original input tensor.

Example 1

# Python program to compute sine of the elements of a tensor
# import necessary library
import torch

# create a tensor
T = torch.Tensor([1.3,4.32,4.4,5.3,4.5])
print("Original Tensor T:\n", T)

# Compute the sine of above tensor
sine_T = torch.sin(T)
print("Sine value of elements of tensor T:\n", sine_T)


Original Tensor T:
   tensor([1.3000, 4.3200, 4.4000, 5.3000, 4.5000])
Sine value of elements of tensor T:
   tensor([ 0.9636, -0.9240, -0.9516, -0.8323, -0.9775])

Example 2

# Python program to compute sine of the elements of a tensor
# import necessary library
import torch

# Create a 2D tensor of size 3x5
T = torch.Tensor([[1.3,4.32,4.4,5.3,4.5],
print("Original Tensor T:\n", T)

# Compute the sine of above tensor
sine_T = torch.sin(T)
print("Sine value of elements of tensor T:\n", sine_T)


Original Tensor T:
tensor([[1.3000, 4.3200, 4.4000, 5.3000, 4.5000],
         [0.2000, 0.3000, 0.5000, 0.7000, 0.9000],
         [1.1000, 1.2000, 2.3000, 3.1000, 4.9000]])
Sine value of elements of tensor T:
tensor([[ 0.9636, -0.9240, -0.9516, -0.8323, -0.9775],
         [ 0.1987, 0.2955, 0.4794, 0.6442, 0.7833],
         [ 0.8912, 0.9320, 0.7457, 0.0416, -0.9825]])

Updated on: 06-Nov-2021


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