How to Change Image Source URL Using AngularJS?

AngularJS is a prevalent and potent framework for creating the front-end of web applications, enabling developers to produce dynamic and interactive web pages with great ease. An essential aspect of AngularJS is the capability to modify HTML elements and their characteristics dynamically, offering greater flexibility and customization to developers. One such conventional circumstance is dynamically altering the source Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an image, which can be highly advantageous in diverse web-based programs. In this scholarly composition, we shall delve into the methodology of modifying the image source Uniform Resource Locator (URL) using AngularJS, and ascertain how to utilize the immense capabilities of this multifaceted framework to create visually appealing and captivating user experiences. Our comprehensive coverage shall range from fundamental syntax to advanced procedures, so even those who are inexperienced with AngularJS shall be able to keep up and develop this indispensable skill with ease.

Ng-src Attribute

The ng-src attribute is an AngularJS directive used to bind the source URL of an image to a scope variable in your AngularJS application. The ng-src directive is similar to the standard src attribute that you would use in HTML, but it enables you to specify a dynamic expression that evaluates to a source URL. When the value of the scope variable bound to ng-src changes, AngularJS updates the src attribute of the image element with the new URL, allowing you to display different images based on user interactions or server responses.


<img ng-src=”{{expression}}”>

In this syntax, expression represents a scope variable or an expression that evaluates to a source URL.


In order to alter the source URL of an image utilizing AngularJS, we employ the ng-src directive, which permits us to bind a variable within the scope to the source URL of an image. The process for dynamically updating the source URL of an image comprises constructing an AngularJS controller that sets the starting value of the scope variable and defines a function to adjust the value of the variable when responding to user actions.

Initially, we begin by constructing an AngularJS module and specifying a controller for our application. The controller includes a $scope parameter, which grants us the capability to establish variables and functions that are conveniently available to the view. Afterward, we set an initial value for the imageSrc variable and associate it with the ng-src directive of an img element by utilizing the double curly brace syntax.

Next, we define a button element that calls a changeImage() function when clicked. This function updates the value of the imageSrc variable with a new URL, which causes the image to update automatically due to the two-way binding created by ng-src.

This function alters the value of the imageSrc variable by assigning it a fresh URL, thereby initiating an automatic update of the image courtesy of the bidirectional binding established by ng-src.

In general, the methodology encompasses the establishment of an initial value for a scope variable, tethering it to the ng-src directive, outlining a function to modify the value of the variable in reaction to user inputs, and exploiting the double curly brace syntax to fasten the variable to the directive. By implementing this methodology, we can promptly modify the source URL of an image in response to user actions or server feedback, culminating in a more immersive and captivating application.


This code exemplifies a basic instance of how to alter the origin URL of an image element using AngularJS, a widely-used JavaScript framework for building web applications. Upon page load, the image is initially assigned the URL "image1.jpg" via the application of AngularJS directives in the HTML code. The image's appearance is also specified using CSS to have a static dimension of 100 pixels for both height and width.

To make the image source URL dynamic, a button is included in the HTML code with a "ng-click" directive that calls a function when clicked. This function, defined in the AngularJS controller, changes the "imageUrl" variable to "image2.jpg". Because the "ng-src" directive is used to set the source URL of the image, AngularJS will automatically update the image to display the new URL.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to Change Image Source URL using AngularJS?</title>
   <script src=""></script>
   img {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
   <h4>How to Change Image Source URL using AngularJS?</h4>
      <img ng-src="{{imageUrl}}">
      <button ng-click="changeUrl()">Change Image URL</button>
      let app = angular.module("myApp", []);
      app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
         $scope.imageUrl = "";
         $scope.changeUrl = function() {
            $scope.imageUrl = "";


In summary, altering the URL of an image in a dynamic fashion using AngularJS is a straightforward and potent approach to fashion web applications that are both dynamic and captivating. Employing the ng-src directive enables you to readily attach the image source URL to a scope variable and alter it dynamically when specific events happen. This furnishes a versatile and scalable avenue for building image-intensive content that can adapt to the user's behavior and server feedback. By following the comprehensive instructions presented in this article, you should now have an improved grasp of how to dynamically alter image source URLs using AngularJS and be able to put this technique into practice in your own web applications.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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