How Secure Is Cloud CRM Data?

A customer relationship management (CRM) program housed on a cloud-based system is referred to as a cloud-based CRM. A cloud-based CRM system is conveniently available over the internet. Employees and businesses will have simpler access to the database at any time. Employees and other team members can access client information from any registered device because the data is safely stored in the cloud.

When it comes to shifting their CRM from an on premise location to a secure cloud-based CRM, executives at significant corporations have reservations. When it comes to keeping client data on the cloud, management frequently sees red lights.

They cringe when they hear the words "hacking into the database" or "cyber-attack," they cringe. With so many cyber-attacks and data breaches, business owners are concerned about how to protect their CRM cloud. Security is a major worry for businesses considering moving their CRM from an on-premises system to a cloud-based system.

Is data safe on the cloud?

You want to ensure your data can't be easily stolen, erased, or lost, no matter what industry you're in. After all, every document, contact, and email in your company is a precious asset that might be worth a lot of money.

The first question you should ask yourself when it comes to the cloud is, "How secure is my data now?" There's a good chance it's not as secure as it would be on the cloud. It simply feels safer since you have direct control over it.

Cloud corporations and data centers hire professional security teams to monitor their systems 24 hours a day. Their first priority is security because it is the top concern of their customers.

This team has access to resources that SMBs only dream of, and they are far more competent in assessing security risks and preventing assaults than SMBs. User sessions in the cloud are often completely SSL encrypted, resulting in a highly secure, encrypted end-to-end connection between both the servers and the point of consumption.

A portion of it, like all security, is up to you. Log out to secure your data when you're not using your CRM. Change role permissions to prevent new recruits from deleting or exporting sensitive information. Choose your passwords carefully, or use one that is generated at random. Don't have the same passcode for everything, and don't tell anybody else your password.

In comparison to CRM data security in-house

According to popular belief, the majority of data theft occurs within an organization. Really Simple Systems customers' data is generally safer than data retained internally by the customer: backups are automated and validated for restore ability; customer data is not stored on laptops that could be misplaced or stolen, and application availability is guaranteed. Our customers may reduce the danger of internal data theft and know that their data is entirely secure by storing it off-site in our dedicated secure environment.

CRM Data Security

CRM software stores sensitive and important customer data. When it comes to security, the cloud-based security environment raises a lot of red flags −

  • Defending yourself against phishing and malware attacks
  • Authorized users' authentication
  • Keeping track of user-sharing rules
  • Data encryption
  • Transaction logs are being monitored.

Apart from client data security, there are a few more problems to consider when it comes to your CRM data −

  • Process compliance −does your service provider's approach to security violate any regulatory requirements, putting your company in danger of hefty fines? Which users will be able to access the data they require to do their jobs?

  • CRM Performance − will the security measure ensure that your CRM application and data retrieval procedure run smoothly at all times?

  • Data backup − Is your CRM customer data adequately backed up, and in the event of a calamity, how rapidly can you recover it? Is your backup data secure?

    What is the process for moving your CRM data to a new platform or scaling it up to another cloud provider, and how soon can the transfer be completed?

    Many CRM platform vendors provide a variety of alternatives to meet each of these concerns and provide excellent data security, compliance, and resiliency features.

Methods of Data Protection in the Cloud

If CRM data is stored in the cloud, it is critical to protect it because businesses lose control when transferring data to a cloud service provider. When we benefit from the flexibility of data access to customers in a cloud environment, our data becomes more vulnerable to hackers. Let's take a look at some of the ways we can keep our data safe in the cloud.

Encrypted Transmissions

In the cloud service environment, all communication between the servers and clients and all interactions between the web servers and database servers are encrypted to ensure that data traveling across the public domain cannot be intercepted and exploited. As the owner of client data, we should use network encryption solutions that are either virtual or hardware-based to ensure that our security requirements are met.

A hybrid deployment technique is utilized in circumstances of highly private data to give data owners complete control over their data and encryption access. A secure key management system allows us to generate keys to access our encrypted data to add another layer of data security.

To totally prohibit unauthorized access to client data, a hybrid environment combines both the production and administration of the keys required to encrypt data and encrypted data transit.

To generate and secure encryption keys, a variety of key management systems are utilized. We can safely produce, store, and manage our cryptographic keys using these on-premises key management systems and ensure that the encryption keys will not be revealed in the event of a data breach. The data will remain secure with suitable key ownership schemes.

Failover and Data Storage

Various cloud service providers offer private, public, and multi-cloud data storage deployment options, which we can select based on our business and security requirements.

A hybrid cloud deployment strategy is the ideal solution for enterprises storing highly sensitive or confidential data in the cloud. Cloud services are used to store data, and on-premises hardware appliances are used to improve security.

The hybrid model is based on the shared responsibility concept, which ensures that data owners have complete control over the security and location of their data. Each data center should also have powerful disaster protection, fire suppression, access controls, redundant power supply, and other features.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2022


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