How Facebook's Metaverse can be a privacy nightmare?

In a recent bait-and-switch operation, Facebook renamed itself as Meta, thinking that a new moniker will help people forget about the tech giant's earlier sins. They've also announced an ambitious new project — the Metaverse — with this rebranding.

Representatives for the Metaverse have described it as a collection of virtual spaces where individuals may meet up with friends and relatives from afar. It will be a fully immersive and dynamic environment where you may play, engage, shop, watch movies, and more. In a purely virtual realm, it will replicate our physical and social experiences.

Metaverse, according to Facebook, is an immersive virtual reality experience in which we will have our own virtual avatars and be able to connect with one another in a huge digital setting. Although Mark Zuckerberg refers to it as the "next generation of the Internet," academics have already described it as a possible privacy nightmare. And, if Facebook's track record on privacy is any indication, they may be correct.

Metaverse is a hybrid reality that exists midway between virtual and augmented reality. It will result in a "mixed reality." It's like mixing the actual and virtual worlds together, according to Dr. David Reid. The mix, on the other hand, can be so excellent that the two worlds are indistinguishable. Reids claims that: "You'll need to put Facebook sensors in your house for this augmented reality/virtual reality project."

Concerns about Privacy

  • The Metaverse will give Facebook even additional methods to acquire our data and establish control over our daily lives. This is represented by the idea of placing sensors in people's houses and tracking them.

  • Because Facebook isn't known for handling user data responsibly, there's a good chance your information will be involved in another leak or breach.

  • This could lead to a deeper psychological problem as the barriers between actual and virtual places blur, even more, connection and a new degree of social media addiction emerge.

  • The Metaverse might be intercepted by hackers and fraudsters. They might, for example, hijack users' avatars or make clones, allowing them to harvest sensitive data.

  • In the Metaverse, Facebook's algorithmic manipulations and content targeting might reach unprecedented heights. Facebook algorithms might watch us even more carefully and modify data based on our body movements and facial expressions in virtual reality.

  • Horizon Workrooms, a B2B subsidiary of Metaverse, will introduce virtual reality business meetings. Employees who do not wish to be registered in their firms' Metaverse activities will likely face extra hurdles as a result of this expansion into the professional realm.

It's a complicated and worrying topic, but the Metaverse isn't something that will emerge overnight: It will take 10 to 15 years to achieve anything like Meta's and others' goal. But, for the time being, people must recognise Meta for what it is: A new moniker for Facebook, which, as we all know, has a bad image when it comes to privacy.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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