How Does a Digital Marketing Agency Quote?

Being a responsible digital marketing agency owner, you will receive multiple inquiries from potential clients who are seeking online marketing services for their eCommerce brands. So, you might have sent tons of quotes to date to maintain transparency.

However, fine-tuning and making small changes to your quotation templates may create higher impacts on your potential clients. Because you don't want to miss out on a single opportunity and ensure that every quote creates a positive impact. In short, your clients should feel your authenticity and reliability, especially when they are choosing the right team to hand over their crucial digital marketing operations.

What is a Digital Marketing Quote?

A digital marketing agency quote is a document that briefs up on the proposed solutions to be provided and the overall cost of the online marketing services to be delivered. A quote is prepared and submitted by a digital marketer or a digital marketing agency to a potential client seeking digital marketing solutions for their eCommerce brands.

A digital marketing agency quote should include vital elements, such as the key deliverables expected, the proposed marketing approaches or plans, and the timeline of the tasks. Therefore, a digital marketing quotation can help things run smoothly.

All you need to do is keep a quotation template ready, and whenever a client requests one, you can make the necessary changes within minutes. It saves time too and builds your reputation. Besides, it is also a professional approach, which may have a great appeal to your interested clients.

Importance of Getting a Digital Marketing Quote

Businesses are constantly looking for unique approaches and methods of staying competitive. A quotation template for digital marketing services is an effective way of sending quotes to prospects. Here are some reasons why you need a professional digital marketing quotation template for all your online proposals.

  • It saves time and money spent on creating quotations every time.

  • You can manage expectations easily.

  • Keep yourself protected against any proposed demands or responsibilities.

  • You can be more transparent with your clients and build a strong professional image for your agency.

The Basics of Digital Marketing Quotation

In the following paragraphs, we have outlined the key elements and sections you may need to include in your digital marketing agency quotation. By using the following format, you can boost your conversions and have a higher impact on your clients.


Your introduction section is the center of attraction, and many clients may even base their buying decisions depending on the introduction. So, this section is the most appealing one as it not only creates an impact on your prospective clients but also gives you a chance to introduce your brand and its services. You can discuss the solutions you provide and also add your mission and vision statements.

Apart from that, you can include positive messages like how you wish to help the clients build their online presence and achieve their marketing goals. Even though your introduction part of your digital marketing quotation doesn't need to include every minor detail of your working procedures, ensure that it is convincing. Because one prospect may be checking out quotations from numerous agencies. So, unless you create an impactful message, there's a low chance they will stick to yours.

Our Services

This is one of the most vital sections in a digital marketing quotation as it discusses and lists down all the services and solutions offered by the agency. It helps the prospect decide whether the solutions are able to fulfill their marketing objectives. Try to create an impression that the services you offer are one of the best in the industry and can take the potential client's digital marketing strategies to the next level.

Try to mention your agency's services clearly and concisely. For example, your 'Our Services' section may include,

  • SEO services − We help our clients optimize their websites for targeted and relevant keywords, generate valuable backlinks, monitor domains, and implement the latest SEO tools and trends to boost organic traffic.

  • PPC advertising − We implement impactful PPC (pay-per-click) strategies and solutions to maximize our clients' customer base.

  • Email marketing − We aid our clients to boost their business growth and profitability by creating effective email lists and email marketing campaigns.

  • Social media marketing services − We help our clients with advanced social media marketing solutions based on current trends to gain visibility and pull potential buyers to their websites.

  • Image or video content − We create innovative visuals, like image and video content, to develop comprehensive marketing tactics.

  • Web design − Our specialized web development/web designing team will design visually appealing websites and create Informative and engaging website content.

  • Insightful analytics − Finally, we monitor the performance of the existing digital marketing campaigns by providing data analytics and reports.

Executive Summary

This section is a summary of the project to help clients understand the scope of the work and the responsibilities you have. Providing an overview of the project details enables you to let your clients know that you understand what they are looking for, as discussed previously.

Your executive summary may begin with statements like, "After reviewing/evaluating our previous conversations/discussions, we have created a suitable quotation for the project…".

Project Deliverables

Under this section, you can inform your prospects about the results or outcomes they can expect at the end of the contract period or after submitting the project deliverables. You can create timelines in the table format to let them learn about the different deliverables they can expect from this project, along with tentative deadlines for each task.

This section ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. You can also include a scope of work for the concerned digital marketing project to state all the project details clearly and concisely. This saves you from delivering services free of cost.

Payment Details, Terms, and Policies

This section discusses all the pricing details and the expected fees against the services delivered. Being one of the key parts of a digital marketing quotation, payment details, and contract terms should be a detailed outline of what you charge for your solutions. Try justifying your prices with the services offered to create higher impacts.

This section also includes other vital details like −

  • Payments terms

  • Warranty of services

  • After-sale services

  • Licenses, certification, and approval

Be as clear and transparent as possible here to avoid further conflict of interest or unnecessary demand for services not covered in the policy.

Closing Statement

Finally, in the last section, you can inform our clients about the next steps that you will begin with immediately after the client’s approval. You can either add this as an email or a signature. It’s your responsibility to inform your clients about the next course of action. It not only maintains professionalism but also builds your credibility.

Key Takeaways

We hope the above template helps you to build impactful digital marketing quotations to drive more conversions and ROI. Also, don’t forget to customize it as per your client’s needs, preferences, and marketing goals, to create higher appeals. In short, give your prospects the impression that you really care about them, and you are excited about building unique and innovative online marketing strategies for them.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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