Grails - Models and Views


Use the models and views for managing application data and showing the state of data models respectively. You can return the model instance explicitly as shown below:

def info() {
    [team: Team.get(]

You can return an instance of the Spring ModelAndView class, by using the advanced approach as specified below:

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView

def index() {
    // defines the team for the index page
    def myTeam = ...

    // further move to players view to display them
    return new ModelAndView("/team/players", [ teamPlayers : myTeam ])

The view can be selected by using the info.gsp file present in the grails-app/views folder.

class MycontrollerController {

   def info() { 
      [team: Team.get(]
      //use the render method to display different view
      render(view: "display", model: map)

Rendering a Response

The result of the code or text can be displayed easily by using the rendor method.

render "Welcome..!"

You can display the particular view as:

render(view: 'team')

Even you can display a template for each item in a collection as:

render(template: 'team_template', collection: Team.list())

Display the text along with encoding and content type as:

render(text: "<xml>xml text</xml>", contentType: "text/xml", encoding: "UTF-8")