Golang Program to Create Filter for the Employees Based on their Salary

It is important to have the knowledge of filters while working on data sets in go language because there may be cases where you want to analyze data to get customized results. In this article we are going to create a filter on the employee list based on the salary using traditional looping method, functions approach as well as using goroutines.

Example 1

In the code given below “FilterEmployeeBySallary()” filters the list of employee based on a salary range and returns the list of employee that falls in that salary range.

package main
import "fmt"

type Employee struct {
   Name   string
   Salary int

func FilterEmployeesBySalary(employees []Employee, minSalary, maxSalary int) []Employee {
   var filteredEmployees []Employee

   for _, employee := range employees {
      if employee.Salary >= minSalary && employee.Salary <= maxSalary {
         filteredEmployees = append(filteredEmployees, employee)

   return filteredEmployees

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Aman", Salary: 50000},
      {Name: "Nitin", Salary: 70000},
      {Name: "Akhi", Salary: 40000},
      {Name: "Akshay", Salary: 60000},

   filtered := FilterEmployeesBySalary(employees, 45000, 65000)
   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:", filtered)


Filtered Employees: [{Aman 50000} {Akshay 60000}]

Example 2

In the code given below “filterEmployees” function filters the list of employees based on a given filter and sallaryFilter() function returns a filter function to filter employees on salary.

package main

import "fmt"

type Employee struct {
   Name   string
   Salary int

type FilterFunc func(Employee) bool

func FilterEmployees(employees []Employee, filterFunc FilterFunc) []Employee {
   var filteredEmployees []Employee

   for _, employee := range employees {
      if filterFunc(employee) {
         filteredEmployees = append(filteredEmployees, employee)

   return filteredEmployees

func SalaryFilter(minSalary, maxSalary int) FilterFunc {
   return func(employee Employee) bool {
      return employee.Salary >= minSalary && employee.Salary <= maxSalary

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Sam", Salary: 50000},
      {Name: "Akhil", Salary: 70000},
      {Name: "Akshay", Salary: 40000},
      {Name: "Summer", Salary: 80000},

   salaryFilter := SalaryFilter(45000, 85000)
   filtered := FilterEmployees(employees, salaryFilter)
   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:", filtered)


Filtered Employees: [{Sam 50000} {Akhil 70000} {Summer 80000}]

Example 3

The code given below creates a goroutine for each employee to asynchronously filter them based on given salary and send filtered employees through a channel, the main function takes the filtered employee and returns the final result.

package main

import (

type Employee struct {
   Name   string
   Salary int

func FilterEmployeesConcurrently(employees []Employee, minSalary, maxSalary int) []Employee {
   var filteredEmployees []Employee
   employeeChannel := make(chan Employee)

   for _, employee := range employees {
      go func(e Employee) {
         if e.Salary >= minSalary && e.Salary <= maxSalary {
             employeeChannel <- e

   // Collect filtered employees from the channel
   go func() {
      for employee := range employeeChannel {
         filteredEmployees = append(filteredEmployees, employee)


   return filteredEmployees

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Arya", Salary: 5000},
      {Name: "Sansa", Salary: 7000},
      {Name: "Rob", Salary: 4000},
      {Name: "John", Salary: 6000},

   filtered := FilterEmployeesConcurrently(employees, 4500, 6500)
   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:", filtered)


Filtered Employees: [{Arya 5000} {John 6000}]


In this article we have discussed how we can create a filter for the employee based on their salary in golanguage.Here we have explored three different methods using goroutines and channels, traditional looping and a functional approach.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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