Golang program to create filter for the Employees

Go Language allows you to apply a filter on particular data for analyzing specified data, work on a particular property of data, data integration and more.In this article we are going to write a program to create a filter for the employees, using iterative filtering, functional filtering, as well as using go language built in filtering function.


filtered := funk.Filter(collection, func(item Type) bool {…})   

collection = It is the original collection to filter.

This function takes two arguments, a collection and a filtering function.


  • Make an array or slice named "employees" of the Employee type.

  • Set up the "employees" slice with a collection of Employee instances that include their names, ages, and departments.

  • Call the filterEmployeesByAge function, supplying as arguments the "employees" slice, minimum age, and maximum age.

  • Within the method filterEmployeesByAge make an empty slice of type Employee named "filteredEmployees". Determine if each employee's age is higher than or equal to the minimum age and less than or equal to the maximum age. Add the employee to the "filteredEmployees" slice if the age is within the provided range. Get the "filteredEmployees" slice back.

  • Set the variable "filtered" to the result of filterEmployeesByAge.

  • "Filtered Employees:" should be printed. Iterate through all of the employees in the "filtered" slice.

  • Print the name of each employee. Put an end to the main function.

Example 1

In this method we are going to use the iterative approach to filter the employee data. This method is more suitable when you need to get more control over the filtering process.

package main

import "fmt"

type Employee struct {
   Name       string
   Age        int
   Department string

func filterEmployeesByAge(employees []Employee, minAge, maxAge int) []Employee {
   var filteredEmployees []Employee

   for _, emp := range employees {
      if emp.Age >= minAge && emp.Age <= maxAge {
         filteredEmployees = append(filteredEmployees, emp)

   return filteredEmployees

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Akhil", Age: 24, Department: "Engineering"},
      {Name: "Akshay", Age: 28, Department: "Sales"},
      {Name: "Sahil", Age: 23, Department: "Marketing"},

   filtered := filterEmployeesByAge(employees, 24, 45)

   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:")
   for _, emp := range filtered {


Filtered Employees:

Example 2

In this method we are going to use higher level function to filter the employees. This method involves higher level function like “filter” to apply filtering function.

package main

import "fmt"

type Employee struct {
   Name       string
   Age        int
   Department string

type Predicate func(Employee) bool

func filterEmployees(employees []Employee, predicate Predicate) []Employee {
   var filteredEmployees []Employee

   for _, emp := range employees {
      if predicate(emp) {
         filteredEmployees = append(filteredEmployees, emp)

   return filteredEmployees

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Akhil", Age: 24, Department: "Engineering"},
      {Name: "Akshay", Age: 32, Department: "Sales"},
      {Name: "Nitin", Age: 28, Department: "Marketing"},

   filtered := filterEmployees(employees, func(emp Employee) bool {
      return emp.Age>= 30 && emp.Age <= 45

   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:")
   for _, emp := range filtered {


Filtered Employees:

Example 3

In the code given below we will use the “go-funk” library to filter a slice of employees based on a specific age.

package main

import (


type Employee struct {
   Name       string
   Age        int
   Department string

func main() {
   employees := []Employee{
      {Name: "Akhil", Age: 28, Department: "Engineering"},
      {Name: "Akshay", Age: 32, Department: "Sales"},
      {Name: "Sahil", Age: 40, Department: "Marketing"},

   filtered := funk.Filter(employees, func(emp Employee) bool {
      return emp.Age >= 30 && emp.Age <= 45

   fmt.Println("Filtered Employees:")
   for _, emp := range filtered {


Filtered Employees: 


In this article we have discussed how we can create a filter for employees in go language. We have explored different Data filtering techniques including a built-in function called funk.filter(), functional filtering method as well as iterative filtering. Filtering data is very much useful when you want to work on a particular property, data analyzing, and more.

Updated on: 14-Jul-2023


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