Framework7 - Form Elements


Form elements are used to make good looking form layouts.

Framework7 provides some form elements as specified in the table below −

S.No Form Element Structure
1 All text inputs
<div class = "item-input">
   <input type = "password">
2 Select
<div class = "item-input">
3 Textarea
<div class = "item-input">
4 Resizable Textarea
<div class = "item-input">
   <textarea class = "resizable"></textarea>
5 Switch (Checkbox)
<label class = "label-switch">
   <input type = "checkbox">
   <div class = "checkbox"></div>
6 Slider (Range input)
<div class = "item-input">
   <div class = "range-slider">
      <input type = "range" min = "10" max = "50" 
         step = "0.1">

We can use form elements in various types as specified in the table below −

S.No Form Element Type & Description
1 Full Layout

The full layout type is used to display the whole form element.

2 Icons and Inputs

You can use icons along with the input fields in the form layout.

3 Labels and Inputs

You can use labels along with the input fields in the form layout.

4 Just Inputs

Framework7 allows you to use only input fields with the form elements.

5 Inset

You can make the form elements inset by using the inset class.
