Finding unique elements from Tuple in Python

In this article, we will learn a Python program to find unique elements from a tuple.

Methods Used

The following are the various methods to accomplish this task −

  • Using for loop and append() function

  • Using collections.Counter() function

  • Using set() function

Tuples are an immutable, unordered data type used to store collections in Python. It can store multiple values in it. Lists and tuples are similar in many ways, but a list has a variable length and is mutable in comparison to a tuple which has a fixed length and is immutable.

Method 1: Using for loop and append() function

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithms/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Create a function(uniqueElements) that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it as an argument.

  • Create a new empty list for storing the resultant unique elements of the tuple.

  • Use the for loop to traverse through each element in a tuple.

  • Use the if conditional statement along with the not in operator to check whether the corresponding tuple element is not present in the above-defined new list.

  • Use the append() function(adds the element to the list at the end) to append the element to the new list if the condition is true.

  • Use the tuple() function to convert the list into a tuple.

  • Return the resultant tuple.

  • Create a variable to store the input tuple.

  • Call the above-defined uniqueElements function by passing an input tuple to it and print the resultant tuple.


The following program returns unique elements in an input tuple using the for loop and append() function −

# function that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it
def uniqueElements(inputTuple):
   # creating a new list for storing unique elements
   newList = []
   # traversing through each element in a tuple
   for k in inputTuple:
      # appending that corresponding tuple element to the new list
      # if it is not present in it(i.e, storing all unique elements)
      if k not in newList:
   # converting the list into a tuple
   resultTuple = tuple(newList)
   # returning the resultant tuple
   return resultTuple
# input tuple
inputTuple = (5, 1, 8, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)
# Printing input tuple
print("The given Tuple is:", inputTuple)
#calling the above-defined uniqueElements function by passing input tuple to it
print("The Unique elements of the tuple are:", uniqueElements(inputTuple))


On execution, the above program will generate the following output −

The given Tuple is: (5, 1, 8, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)
The Unique elements of the tuple are: (5, 1, 8, 7, 3, 6)

Method 2: Using collections.Counter() function

Counter() function(a sub-class that counts the hashable objects. It implicitly creates a hash table of an iterable when called/invoked)

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithms/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Use the import keyword to import the Counter function from the collections module.

  • Create a function(uniqueElements) that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it as an argument.

  • Pass the given tuple as an argument to the Counter() function which stores all the unique tuple elements along with their frequencies as a dictionary.

  • Return the keys(unique tuple elements ) of the above frequency dictionary as a tuple using the keys() and tuple() functions.


The following program returns unique elements in an input tuple using the Counter function of the collections module −

# importing Counter from the collections module
from collections import Counter
# function that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it
def uniqueElements(inputTuple):
   #Getting all the unique tuple elements along with their frequencies
   frequency = Counter(inputTuple)
   # Returning all the unique tuple elements using the keys() function
   return tuple(frequency.keys())
# input tuple
inputTuple = (5, 1, 8, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)
# Printing input tuple
print("The given Tuple is:", inputTuple)
#calling the above-defined uniqueElements function by passing input tuple to it
print("The Unique elements of the tuple are:", uniqueElements(inputTuple))


On execution, the above program will generate the following output −

The given Tuple is: (5, 1, 8, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)
The Unique elements of the tuple are: (5, 1, 8, 7, 3, 6)

Method 3: Using the set() function

set() function- creates a set object. A set list will appear in random order because the items are not ordered. It removes all the duplicates)

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithms/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Create a function(uniqueElements) that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it as an argument.

  • Return all the unique elements from a tuple using the set() function and convert it into a tuple using the tuple() function(creates a tuple).


The following program returns unique elements in an input tuple using the set() function −

# function that returns the unique elements in a tuple passed to it
def uniqueElements(inputTuple):
   # Getting all the unique elements of the tuple using the set() function
   resultUnique = set(inputTuple)
   # returning unique elements as a tuple using the tuple() function
   return tuple(resultUnique)
# input tuple
inputTuple = (5, 1, 8, 'tutorialspoint', 7, 7, 'tutorialspoint', 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)

# Printing input tuple
print("The given Tuple is:", inputTuple)
#calling the above-defined uniqueElements function by passing input tuple to it
print("The Unique elements of the tuple are:", uniqueElements(inputTuple))


On execution, the above program will generate the following output −

The given Tuple is: (5, 1, 8, 'tutorialspoint', 7, 7, 'tutorialspoint', 3, 3, 6, 1, 6)
The Unique elements of the tuple are: (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 'tutorialspoint')


We covered how to find unique elements of a tuple using three ways in this article. We also learned how to use the Counter() function to find not only frequencies but also unique elements in any iterable, such as a list, tuple, etc. The Counter() approach is the most efficient of the three because it uses a dictionary to store frequencies.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2023

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