Explain about IIFEs in JavaScript

In the world of JavaScript, there are various techniques and patterns that developers use to write efficient, maintainable code. One such powerful programming technique is the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). In this article, we'll dive into IIFEs, their benefits, and how to implement them using different approaches. We'll also explore some practical examples to help you understand their applications in real-world scenarios.


The algorithm for implementing IIFEs in JavaScript can be summarized as follows −

  • Create a function expression.

  • Wrap the function expression in parentheses.

  • Add an additional set of parentheses immediately after the function expression to invoke it.

  • Execute the function immediately after its definition.

Approach 1: Traditional Function Expression

In this approach, we use the traditional function expression syntax to define an IIFE. The function expression is wrapped in parentheses, and another set of parentheses is used to invoke the function immediately.

(function() {
   var privateVariable = "I'm a private variable!";

In the example above, the privateVariable is defined within the IIFE and cannot be accessed from outside the function scope. The IIFE is executed immediately, and the output will be "I'm a private variable!".

Approach 2: Arrow Function Expression

In this approach, we use the arrow function syntax to define an IIFE. Just like in the traditional function expression, we wrap the arrow function in parentheses and use another set of parentheses to invoke the function immediately.

(() => {
   const privateVariable = "I'm a private variable!";

This example has the same functionality as the previous one, but it uses an arrow function instead of a traditional function expression. The output will be "I'm a private variable!".

Example 1: Private Variables

In this example, we use an IIFE to create a counter object that has increment and decrement methods. The count variable is private and cannot be accessed from outside the IIFE.

const counter = (() => {
   let count = 0;
   return {
      increment: function() {
      decrement: function() {
counter.increment(); // 1
counter.decrement(); // 0

Example 2: Module Pattern

In this example, we use an IIFE to implement the module pattern. The myModule object has a publicFunction method, which can access private members like privateData and privateFunction.

const myModule = (() => {
   const privateData = "This is private data.";
   const privateFunction = () => {
      console.log("Executing a private function.");
   return {
      publicFunction: () => {
         console.log("Executing a public function.");


IIFEs in JavaScript are a powerful programming technique that enables you to create isolated, private scopes within your code. They help prevent global scope pollution, encourage encapsulation, and improve the overall organization of your code. By understanding and utilizing IIFEs, you can create more robust and maintainable JavaScript applications. Whether you choose to use the traditional function expression or the arrow function expression, the key takeaway is to understand the underlying concept and the benefits it offers.

In summary, IIFEs are an essential tool for any JavaScript developer looking to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. They provide a way to encapsulate and isolate functionality, preventing global scope pollution and encouraging better code organization. By exploring the different approaches and real-world examples, you can gain a deeper understanding of IIFEs and enhance your JavaScript development skills. So, the next time you work on a JavaScript project, consider using IIFEs to improve your code quality and maintainability.

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023


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