Encrypting and Decrypting Directory in Linux

There are several ways to encrypt and decrypt directories in Linux, but one popular method is to use the "ecryptfs" utility. This utility allows you to encrypt a directory using the user's login passphrase, and automatically decrypts the directory when the user logs in.


gpgtar is a utility that allows you to encrypt and decrypt tar archives using the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption software. gpgtar uses GPG to encrypt the files in the tar archive, and then creates a new tar archive with the encrypted files. This allows you to easily encrypt a large number of files and directories at once.

To create an encrypted tar archive using gpgtar, you would use the command −

gpgtar -c -f [encrypted tar file] [files to be archived]

For example, if you wanted to create an encrypted tar archive called "my_files.tar.gpg" from the directories "dir1" and "dir2", you would use the command −

gpgtar -c -f my_files.tar.gpg dir1 dir2

To decrypt and extract the files from the encrypted tar archive, you would use the command −

gpgtar -x -f [encrypted tar file]

For example, to decrypt and extract the files from the archive "my_files.tar.gpg", you would use the command −

gpgtar -x -f my_files.tar.gpg

Encrypting Directory Using Symmetric Key

Encrypting a directory using a symmetric key involves using a single key to both encrypt and decrypt the data. This key is known as the "symmetric key" and should be kept secret as anyone who has access to it can decrypt the data.

One way to encrypt a directory using a symmetric key in Linux is by using the "tar" and "gpg" utilities together.

First, use the "tar" command to create an archive of the directory you want to encrypt. For example −

tar -cvf directory.tar /path/to/directory

Then, use the "gpg" command to encrypt the tar archive using a symmetric key. For example −

gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 directory.tar

This will prompt you to enter and verify a passphrase, which will be used as the symmetric key.

To decrypt the directory, you would first use the "gpg" command to decrypt the archive using the symmetric key −

gpg --decrypt directory.tar.gpg > directory.tar

Then, use the "tar" command to extract the files from the decrypted archive −

tar -xvf directory.tar

Listing Encrypted Directory

When a directory is encrypted, it is typically unreadable until it is decrypted. Therefore, listing the contents of an encrypted directory would not be possible without first decrypting it.

If you have encrypted a directory using the ecryptfs method, you would need to mount the directory in order to list its contents. You can do this by running the command −

sudo mount -t ecryptfs [source directory] [destination directory]

Then, you can list the contents of the directory using the command −

ls [destination directory]

For example, if you had encrypted the directory "my_files" and mounted it at "encrypted_files", you could list the contents of the directory using the command −

ls /home/user/encrypted_files

If you have encrypted a directory using a symmetric key as I described earlier, you need to decrypt the directory first before listing the contents of the directory.

gpg --decrypt directory.tar.gpg > directory.tar

Then use the "tar" command to extract the files from the decrypted archive −

tar -tf directory.tar

This command will list the files and directories that are contained in the archive.

Please note that, if you don't have the decryption key or passphrase, you won't be able to list the contents of the encrypted directory.

Decrypting an Encrypted Directory

The process of decrypting an encrypted directory will depend on the method used to encrypt it.

If you have encrypted a directory using the ecryptfs method, you would need to unmount the directory in order to decrypt it. You can do this by running the command −

sudo umount [destination directory]

For example, if you had encrypted the directory "my_files" and mounted it at "encrypted_files", you could decrypt the directory using the command &miinus;

sudo umount /home/user/encrypted_files

If you have encrypted a directory using a symmetric key using the method described earlier, you can decrypt the directory by using the gpg command to decrypt the archive using the symmetric key −

gpg --decrypt directory.tar.gpg > directory.tar

Then use the "tar" command to extract the files from the decrypted archive −

tar -xf directory.tar

This will extract the files and directories that are contained in the archive to the current directory.


encfs is a utility that allows you to encrypt a directory and its contents using a FUSE filesystem. This means that the encrypted files and directories are automatically decrypted and mounted as a virtual filesystem when accessed, and are automatically encrypted and unmounted when no longer in use.

To create an encrypted directory using encfs, you would use the command −

encfs [source directory] [destination directory]

For example, if you wanted to encrypt the directory "my_files" and mount it at "encrypted_files", you would use the command −

encfs /home/user/my_files /home/user/encrypted_files

When you run this command, encfs will prompt you to create a new password that will be used to encrypt and decrypt the files. This password will be used every time you access the encrypted directory.

You can also use the option --standard to run the encfs in standard mode and use the configuration file.

encfs --standard [source directory] [destination directory]


Unmounting a filesystem in Linux is the process of disconnecting a mounted filesystem from the directory hierarchy, so that it is no longer accessible to the system. This is done using the "umount" command.

The basic syntax for unmounting a filesystem is −

umount [mount point]

For example, if you had mounted a filesystem on the directory "/mnt/data", you would unmount it using the command −

umount /mnt/data

If you are unmounting a filesystem that is currently in use, you may receive an error message. In such cases, you can use the -l option to force an unmount.

umount -l [mount point]

For example, if you wanted to forcefully unmount the filesystem on the directory "/mnt/data", you would use the command −

umount -l /mnt/data


Remounting a filesystem in Linux is the process of reconnecting a previously-mounted filesystem to the directory hierarchy, after it has been unmounted. This is done using the "mount" command.

The basic syntax for remounting a filesystem is −

mount -o remount [mount point]

For example, if you had unmounted a filesystem on the directory "/mnt/data" and wanted to remount it, you would use the command −

mount -o remount /mnt/data

You can also change the options when remounting a filesystem. For example, if you want to remount a filesystem with read-only access, you would use the command −

mount -o remount,ro /mnt/data


In conclusion, there are several ways to encrypt and decrypt directories in Linux. Some popular methods include using the ecryptfs utility, gpgtar, encfs, and dmcrypt. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2023

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