Economic Factors(Choices of DBMS)

Making the best option for the organisation's Database Management System (DBMS) is crucial since it may have a big influence on the business's operations and financial resources. When choosing a DBMS, a number of variables come into play, including technical concerns, organisational politics, and economic issues. We may make an educated choice that is in line with the financial objectives and needs of the organisation by being aware of these economic considerations.

Factors to Consider

Software Acquisition Cost

The cost of a software purchase is one of the main economic aspects to consider when selecting a DBMS. This refers to the initial cost of buying the DBMS software, which includes any language options and other interface types. The right DBMS version that is compatible with the operating system of the company must be chosen. It is necessary to keep in mind that the basic fee may not include other tools like development or design tools and the price of software might increase.

Maintenance Cost

The DBMS's maintenance costs are a significant additional economic factor. This cost includes the ongoing costs related to maintaining the company's basic maintenance services and updating the DBMS version. Maintaining the most recent version is essential for maximum security and functionality. Therefore, while looking at the overall economic sustainability of a DBMS, organisations should consider these continuing maintenance expenses into account.

Hardware Acquisition Cost

When picking a DBMS, organisations must consider hardware acquisition expenses in the account. Additional hardware elements, like memory, disc drives, controllers, and archive storage, may be required, depending on the particular needs of the DBMS. The entire price of establishing and maintaining a DBMS can be greatly impacted by hardware costs. In order to choose the best choice, it is important to consider the hardware requirements and related expenses

Personal Cost

Reorganising the data processing division inside an organisation is frequently required by the purchase of a DBMS software solution. The addition of employees, such as a Database Administrator (DBA) and supporting staff, is a common part of this reorganisation. These employees' pay and perks go towards the personal expense of deploying a DBMS. When determining whether or not a DBMS solution is affordable, it is critical to take these staff expenses into account.

Training Cost

DBMS systems are complicated systems that need specialised knowledge and abilities to function properly. To use and program for the selected DBMS, employees at all levels including programmers, application developers, and database administrators may need training. Depending on the complexity of the DBMS and the required level of knowledge, training costs might change. To make sure they have the resources to support a DBMS's deployment and continuous operation, organisations must take into account the training expenses related to it.

Operating Cost

Another crucial economic element that organisations should take into account is the DBMS operational costs. This cost comprises the costs related to daily operations including database maintaining, monitoring, and performance improvement. To make sure they are keeping up with their spending plan and operational needs, organisations must carefully assess the running expenses of a DBMS. Failure to account for these charges might eventually result in unexpected expenses.


This article consists of economic factors(choices of dbms). Economic factors are kept in mind while choosing any dbms to make the organisation profitable. Several factors which are considered are Software acquisition cost which refers to the initial cost of buying software, maintenance cost refers to the basic maintenance cost of dbms, hardware acquisition cost refers to the additional hardware cost necessary for dbms, personal cost manes the employees and supporting staff, training cost refers to the cost used to train a employee, and operating cost refers to the cost needed to daily operate the dbms.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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