Different Modes Plant Reproduction


A reproduction system refers to the procedure of producing new species for the parental generation. Plant reproduction deals with the procedure that states the different processes of production of plants. It deals with the inherent features of most living organisms for the continuation in maintaining the reproduction mechanism. Sexual reproduction creates offspring which can be identified genetically with each other. Asexual reproduction refers to the creation of offspring, which can be genetically distinct from each other. Plant reproduction system is very important for the environment to balance the ecosystem of society. It also becomes very helpful for animals who are directly connected with plants.

What is Plant Reproduction?

Plant reproduction mainly takes place with the help of seeds but in some cases, some other types of reproduction processes can also be seen. In terms of asexual reproduction mostly seed reproduction is commonly seen as the plants may often reproduce offspring with the help of seed. Seeds comprise most of the genetic information for producing a new plant that belongs to the same species. It is more successful to survive difficult environments as it contains nutrients as well as energy.

Asexual Reproduction in Plants

In terms of asexual reproduction, new plants are produced without any kind of seed formation and it occurs to a single parent. The natural reproduction system of plants needs all parts of the plant like root, flower, leaf and also the stem.

For example,

  • In sweet potato the reproduction process takes place in the root while in ginger and strawberry, the reproduction process takes place in the stem.

  • In begonia, the reproduction process takes place in the leaves.

The artificial mode of reproduction is done by cutting the boughs of a plant, layering the lower branches and well as by grafting. Tissue culture of micro propagation is another important process of asexual reproduction in which budding, fragmentation, and spore formation process is commonly seen.

Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

  • Through this particular reproduction process the new plant that is produced is exactly similar to the parental plant. So this type of plant has the quality to survive in a difficult environment.

  • In asexual reproduction less attention, as well as care, is needed for the plants to survive in any environmental position.

  • With the help of this reproduction process more plants can be produced within a short period.

  • In the asexual reproduction procedure pollination as well as seed dispersal are not at all required.

  • Through this particular process, several seedless plants like grapes as well as bananas can be reproduced.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants

Sexual reproduction includes two different parental plants gametes formation. This process of reproduction mainly occurs in angiosperms which is a process in which flowers can bear fruits with seeds. In most cases, the reproductive organ of the plant is a flower. There are four different parts in a flower, a stamen, sepal, petal, as well as carpel. In which sepals, as well as petals, are not at all required in the processes of reproduction but two other parts take a significant position in reproduction.

The different procedures can be seen in sexual reproduction like pollination and fertilization. Pollination can be classified into two categories like self-pollination as well as cross-pollination. This particular process can be done by several means like wind, water, and animals such as insects, birds and mammals. If the pollen grains are transferred to other flowers of the same plant, then this process is called self-pollination. The pollen grains transferred from one flower to another flower of some other plants is known as cross pollination. The fertilization refers to the fusion of two different sex’s gametes within the flower’s ovary. The plant produced in the fertilization process is called the zygote.

Differences between Asexual and Sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction

In this process a single parent is required.

In this process, both parents are required.

No fusion of gametes is required in this process.

Fusion of gametes must be required in this process.

In this process, only the meiotic division occurs for reproduction.

In this process, both the meiotic and meiosis division occurs for reproduction.

The new plants from this process are fully identical.

The new plants from this process comprise some genetic variation


Asexual reproduction mainly takes place in the vegetative propagation process that refers to a new plant produced from the parent’s body portion. The natural process mainly takes place in this process but sometimes artificial processes are also seen to produce new plants of the same type. For example, onion bulbs are mainly produced through a natural procedure but an artificial procedure is mostly applied in the production of new rose or banana leaves.


Q1. What changes can be seen in the fertilization process?

Ans. In the fertilization process, ovules are changed into seeds. In this process fertilized ovum forms an embryo. Sepals, as well as petals of flowers, generally fall off in this process. In this process, the seeds of a flower are mainly dispersed and produce a new plant.

Q2. What are the different types of flowers?

Ans. Two different types of flowers are seen unisexual as well as bisexual flowers. Unisexual flowers refers to a flower which has a single reproductive organ. For example, papayas, as well as watermelon, have a single reproductive organ. Bisexual flowers refers to a flower having male and female reproductive organs. For example, hibiscuses, as well as mustard, have a double reproductive organ.

Q3. What is called androecium?

Ans. It is a male reproductive organ of a plant which includes stamens. Every stamen has a stalk that connects with an anther which is in a lobed structure.

Q4. What is called gynoecium?

Ans. It is called as female reproductive organ of a plant that is made up of more Carpels. Carpels is present in the centre of a flower.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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