Different Aspects That Influenced Nationalism


Have you ever thought about how nationalism came to being or what was the reason behind such an approach? The 18th century was a place of atrocities that compelled the citizens to stage a reaction and this reaction was named as nationalism. As conservatism started to expand within Europe, liberalism and nationalism took on their role as revolutionaries. Liberal-nationalist were the citizens who belonged to the educated middle-class and the elite were professors, school teachers, clerks, and commercial middle-class members labeled as revolutionaries. Their first sign of progress came when the Bourbon king who was re-established to power during the conservative enlargement post-1815 was vanquished by liberal revolutionaries and made Lois Phillip their constitutional head. Nationalism and liberalism were not a result of a sudden attack of the revolutionaries but it was a culmination of many events and other forms of expressions like art, music, and plays.

Main Events that Spearheaded Nationalism

The July Revolution

The absolute monarchy which was used by Charles x who was the king of France and a member of the Bourbon dynasty attracted severe reactions and as a result, the caged journalists, students from universities, and many working men took the street of France on July 16-29 1830 and dethroned Charles x and admitted Louise Phillipe as their constitutional king this was known as the July revolution and this event sparked the dawn of new age nationalism.

Greek War of Independence

The rebellion of Greeks within the ottoman empire fueled the creation of the independent kingdom of Greece. The origin of the rebellion can be traced from the activities of a society called Philiki Etairei which means friendly brotherhood. The activities of this society supported the Hellenism or Greek nationality which was fostered by the Greek language and Greek orthodox church finally in July 1832 by the Treaty of Constantinople an autonomous Greece kingdom was carved of the Ottoman empire. This event created a new wave of identity and nationality all over Europe.

Nationalism was not attained just by territorial expansion and wars rather culture too played an important role in arousing nationalistic feelings and in arousing an idea of the nations induced culture like art, poetry, stories, and music helped in shaping nationalist feelings.

Role of Culture in Nationalism

The role of culture in nationalism was expressed in different forms −

  • Role of Romanticism − Romanticism is an 18th century movement in arts and literature that stresses the importance of nature, imagination, and the individual. Rather than stressing the importance of science and reason romantic artists focused on emotions, institutions, and mystic feelings which arouses a sense of a shared cultural heritage based on the past.

    For example, German philosopher Gottfried Hender propounded that the real German culture was to be found among the common (das volk). The true spirit of the nation was popularized through folk songs, poetry, and folk dances.

  • Use of regional language as prominent Vernacular language − The treatise of local folklore through vernacular language was not just meant to awaken the nationalistic spirit but it was also meant to spread the modern nationalist idea to larger masses who were widely illiterate.

    For example, In Poland the members of its clergy started using the regional local language as a resistance to ward colonial power.

Result of Nationalism: The Revolution of the Liberals 1848

During the 1830s there was a severe economic struggle all over Europe. As the population increased there was a shortage of employment, and a large number of back-country areas population moved to cities in pursuit of jobs. The rise of food prices or a bad harvest year made poverty the new normal all these events ignited the people to orchestrate a struggle for a nation whose aim should be the welfare of the people and the society. The year 1848 saw many such struggles or revolutions:

  • In 1848, France fought and made the abdication of monarchs and brought into a republic nation placed on adult suffrage.

  • In other parts of Europe where free nations did not come into being like Germany, Poland, Austro-Hungarian empire men and women of the liberal middle class altogether demanded a constitutional unified nation. They struggled for a nation built on parliamentary agenda that is with its own constitution, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.

  • Political associations were of a large number of middle-class professionals, businessmen, and prosperous artisans who came altogether to the city of Frankfurt in Germany in an aim of electing an all-German National Assembly on 18 May 1848, their representatives marched toward the Frankfurt Parliament and inducted their constitution for the German nation to be commanded by a monarchy subject to a parliament.


Even though nationalism led to revolution and to overthrow of monarchs there were still issues of extending political rights to women as they were only granted observer status in Frankfurt during the German election so the complete eradication of monarchy or inequality was yet to come but the autocratic rulers began to introduce changes as the consistent cycles of revolution and repressions made them realize that only through granting concessions they could end the revolutions. This was evident in Habsburg dominion and in Russia where they abolished serfdom and bonded labor.


Qns 1. How was nationalism interpreted in Europe during the 18th century?

Ans. nationalism was not only spread through waging wars and capturing territories rather it played its part in the romanticism of art, literature, folklore, and people found nationalistic expressions in mystical feelings and shared heritage. Science and reason were given less importance because ancient folklore and heritage gave a common feeling of shared culture and thereby instilling nationalism.

Qns 2. How did France struggle under the Bourbon dynasty?

Ans. France under the bourbon kind dynasty struggled immensely due to

  • Despotic and corruptive actions of the monarch and he was favorable to a section of people who praised him at church, he gave them gifts and lands which led to feudalism

  • When the population grew in France during the 18th century, there was no action from the state to increase production and the feudal lords suppressed the peasants by giving them less land and lesser wages.

  • Agriculture also collapsed in France which led to an under-developed tertiary sector as France had no coal so it depended on the agricultural sector Due to incompetent handling of financial resources, France was struggling with poverty and it was declared that in 1777 France had 11 lakh beggars.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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