Differences Between Django vs Flask

This article contrasts these two web frameworks (Django and Flask), highlighting their similarities and differences as well as their features, benefits, and drawbacks, in order to assist you in selecting a paradigm for your project. Choosing the ideal web framework for your project as a software engineer or developer can be difficult because there are a lot of options like Django, Flask Pyramid, etc.

Brief overview of Django and Flask

Both the Django and Flask Python web frameworks have a sizable user base. With an integrated ORM, templates, and admin interface, Django is a high-level, full-stack web framework. On the other hand, Flask is a compact and adaptable micro-framework that offers fundamental tools and allows you to select your own extensions.


A high-level, full-stack Python web framework was developed to aid programmers in swiftly creating intricate, database-driven websites. It features an integrated ORM, templates, and admin interface and adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural paradigm.

Features of Django

  • Built-in ORM

  • Built-in admin interface

  • Pre-built templates

  • Scalable and secure

  • Large community support

  • Comes with a batteries-included approach

Benefits of Django

  • Rapid development

  • Increased productivity

  • Robust and scalable

  • Large community support

  • Great documentation

Disadvantages of Django

  • Steep learning curve for beginners

  • Large codebase and complexity

  • Limited flexibility


Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework that provides the basic tools and lets you choose your own extensions. It follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architectural pattern and is ideal for small to medium-sized projects.

Features of Flask

  • Lightweight and flexible

  • Modular design

  • Easy to get started

  • Good for small to medium-sized projects

  • Comes with a minimalistic approach

Benefits of Flask

  • Lightweight and flexible

  • Easy to get started

  • Modular design

  • Good for small to medium-sized projects

  • Large community support

Disadvantages of Flask

  • Limited functionality out of the box

  • Not as scalable as Django

  • Lack of built-in support for features like authentication and database





Ease of use

Steep learning curve, more complex

Easy to get started with, minimalistic approach


Less flexible, batteries-included approach

More flexible, allows for choosing own extensions


More performant, better for larger and complex projects

Faster, better suited for small to medium-sized projects


More scalable, handles large-scale projects well

Not as scalable as Django


Built-in security features like CSRF protection and SQL injection protection

Secure framework, but lacks some built-in security features

Other points of comparison between Django and Flask include:

Development Time

Django has a lot of built-in functionality, which can speed up development time. Flask, on the other hand, requires more manual setup and configuration, which can take longer.

Community and Support

Django has a larger community and more established support resources, such as documentation and tutorials. Flask, while still popular, has a smaller community and may require more effort to find resources and solutions to problems.

Template Engine

Django has a template engine built in, making it simple to make dynamic HTML pages. Flask, on the other hand, is compatible with a wide range of templating engines, but utilizing them requires additional configuration.

Database Support

Django features built-in Object-Relational Mapping capability and is compatible with SQL databases (ORM). While Flask is also capable of working with SQL data sets, it lacks built-in ORM support and needs third-party additions to be helpful in this regard.


Flask and Django are both well-known Python web frameworks with unique benefits and drawbacks. The first is a suitable choice for bigger, more complex projects that need to be scalable and have built-in security, while the second is a good choice for smaller to medium-sized projects that need flexibility and faster improvement time. Which alternative is ultimately selected relies on the particular demands and requirements of the project.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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