Difference Between Stack and Queue

In this post, we will understand the difference between Stack and Queue.


  • They are based on LIFO- Last In First Out.

  • This means the element inserted at the end is the first element to get deleted.

  • Insertion and deletion happen in a stack from one end only, i.e the top.

  • Insert operation is known as ‘push’ operation.

  • Delete operation is known as ‘pop’ operation.

  • A pointer is used to access the list, it is known as ‘top’.

  • The ‘top’ points to the last element of the list.

  • It helps work with problems associated with recursion.

Representation of Stack (LIFO)


  • They are based on FIFO- First In First Out.

  • This means the element that is inserted first is the first element to be deleted from the queue.

  • Insertion and deletion happen from two opposite ends of the list.

  • Insertion happens from the rear end.

  • Deletion happens from the front end.

  • Insert operation is also known as ‘enqueue’.

  • Delete operation is also known as ‘dequeue’.

  • Two pointers are used to access the list.

  • Front pointer points to first element that is inserted in the list, and still present.

  • The rear pointer points to the last inserted element of the queue.

  • It is used to solve problems that have sequential processing techniques.

Representation of Queue

Updated on: 24-Mar-2021


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