Difference between Lock and Rlock objects

Concurrent programming involves the execution of multiple threads or processes concurrently, which can lead to challenges such as race conditions and data inconsistencies. To address these issues, Python provides synchronization primitives, including the Lock and RLock objects. While both objects serve the purpose of controlling access to shared resources, they differ in behavior and usage.

The Lock object is a fundamental mutual exclusion mechanism. It allows multiple threads to acquire and release the lock, but only one thread can hold the lock at any given time. When a thread attempts to acquire a lock that is already held by another thread, it will be blocked until the lock becomes available. This ensures that the critical section of code protected by the lock is executed by only one thread at a time.

On the other hand, the RLock object extends the functionality of Lock by introducing reentrancy or recursive locking. Reentrancy allows a thread that already holds the lock to acquire it again without causing a deadlock. This is particularly useful in scenarios where nested function calls or sections of code require multiple levels of locking. With an RLock object, a thread can acquire the lock multiple times and must release it the same number of times before it becomes available to other threads. This ensures that the lock remains held until all corresponding releases are performed.

Lock Object

The Lock object is a fundamental mutual exclusion mechanism in Python's threading module. Its primary purpose is to control access to shared resources in a concurrent environment, ensuring that only one thread can hold the lock at any given time. This guarantees the exclusive execution of a critical section of code protected by the lock.

The behavior of the Lock object is straightforward. Multiple threads can attempt to acquire and release the lock, but only one thread will succeed in acquiring it. If a thread tries to acquire a lock that is already held by another thread, it will be blocked and put into a waiting state until the lock becomes available. Once the lock is acquired, the thread can safely enter the critical section and perform the necessary operations on the shared resource. After completing the critical section, the lock is released, allowing other threads to acquire it.

The Lock object provides two essential methods: acquire() and release(). The acquire() method is used to acquire the lock. If the lock is already held by another thread, the calling thread will block and wait until the lock is released. Once the lock is acquired, the thread can proceed with executing the critical section of code. After completing the critical section, the release() method is called to release the lock, making it available for other threads to acquire.

One important thing to note about Lock objects is that they do not support reentrancy. Reentrancy refers to the ability of a thread to acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. In the case of Lock, if a thread that already holds the lock tries to acquire it again, it will result in a deadlock, where the thread is unable to proceed further, causing a program hang. Therefore, Lock objects are suitable for scenarios where reentrant behavior is not required, such as simple synchronization or situations where there are no nested function calls.

RLock Object

The RLock object, short for "reentrant lock," is an extension of the Lock object that addresses the limitation of non-reentrant locking. It provides support for reentrancy, allowing a thread to acquire the lock multiple times without causing a deadlock.

The key feature of the RLock object is its ability to handle recursive lock acquisitions. This means that a thread can acquire the lock multiple times in a nested manner. Each acquisition must be matched with an equivalent number of releases to relinquish the lock. This behavior is particularly useful in scenarios where nested function calls or sections of code require multiple levels of locking.

The RLock object provides the same acquire() and release() methods as the Lock object, making it easy to work with. Additionally, it introduces two additional methods: acquire() with a blocking parameter and release() with a count parameter.

The acquire() method with a blocking parameter allows fine-grained control over lock acquisition. By setting blocking=False, a thread can attempt to acquire the lock but will not block if the lock is already held by another thread. This enables the thread to perform alternative actions or execute different code paths when the lock is not immediately available.

The release() method with a count parameter enables releasing the lock a specified number of times. This can be useful in situations where a thread needs to release nested lock acquisitions incrementally or when the number of acquisitions and releases may vary dynamically.


Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the usage of Lock and RLock objects in Python −

import threading

# Shared resource
shared_resource = 0

# Lock objects
lock = threading.Lock()
rlock = threading.RLock()

# Function using Lock
def increment_with_lock():
    global shared_resource
        shared_resource += 1

# Function using RLock
def increment_with_rlock():
    global shared_resource
        shared_resource += 1
        rlock.acquire()  # Nested acquisition
            shared_resource += 1
            rlock.release()  # Nested release

# Create multiple threads to increment shared_resource
num_threads = 5

# Using Lock
threads_with_lock = []
for _ in range(num_threads):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=increment_with_lock)

for thread in threads_with_lock:

print("Value of shared_resource using Lock:", shared_resource)

# Reset shared_resource
shared_resource = 0

# Using RLock
threads_with_rlock = []
for _ in range(num_threads):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=increment_with_rlock)

for thread in threads_with_rlock:

print("Value of shared_resource using RLock:", shared_resource)

In this code, we have a shared resource (shared_resource) that is incremented by multiple threads. The increment_with_lock() function demonstrates the usage of a Lock object to ensure exclusive access to the critical section where the shared resource is incremented. Similarly, the increment_with_rlock() function showcases the usage of an RLock object, allowing recursive lock acquisitions and releases.

Choosing Between Lock and RLock

When deciding between using a Lock or an RLock in your concurrent program, consider the following guidelines 

  • Use a Lock when you only need a basic mutual exclusion mechanism and reentrancy is not required. Lock objects are lightweight and suitable for simple synchronization scenarios where there are no nested function calls or multiple levels of locking.

  • Use an RLock when you have nested function calls or sections of code that require multiple levels of locking. The RLock allows a thread to acquire the lock recursively, ensuring proper synchronization in such scenarios. It enables reentrant behavior and prevents deadlocks when acquiring the lock multiple times.


In Python concurrent programming, the Lock and RLock objects serve as synchronization primitives to control access to shared resources. While the Lock object provides basic mutual exclusion, the RLock object extends its functionality by offering reentrancy support. Understanding the differences between these objects is crucial for writing robust and thread-safe code.

Updated on: 14-Aug-2023


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