Difference Between Java And Ruby

Java and Ruby are two strong, significant level programming dialects broadly utilized in the tech world today. Java, an arranged language made by Sun Microsystems during the '90s, has a post in huge business level applications. Ruby, a dynamic, unraveled, open-source language made by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan, is striking for its elegance and conceivability, especially found in the Ruby on Rails structure. This article will jump into the intricacies of their sentence structure, estimations, and different ways of managing programming tasks.


The syntax of a programming language refers to the set of rules defining how programs written in that language must be structured. Java's syntax is largely influenced by C++, which can make it feel complex and verbose. It requires explicit type declaration and it’s statically typed. On the other hand, Ruby's syntax is clean, streamlined, and designed to be human-readable, with influences from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp.

Here's a comparison of a simple "Hello, World!" program in both languages:

In Java

public class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Hello, World!");

In Ruby

puts "Hello, World!"

As evident, Java requires more code, which needs to be carefully arranged, while Ruby accomplishes the same task in a single, straightforward line.


  • Declare and instantiate the Servlet.

  • Use the setAttribute method to bind an object to a specific name in the servlet context or session.

  • Perform the necessary processing steps in your servlet or JSP page.

  • Utilize the getAttribute technique to recover the article utilizing its name.

  • Eliminate the quality utilizing the removeAttribute technique, if important.


Let's examine two different approaches to using attributes in Java Servlets.

Approach 1: Looping

In Java, we typically use for, while, or do-while loops for iteration. Let's say we want to iterate over an array of integers:


public class Main {
   public static void main(String[]args){
      int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {





  • public class Principal {...} − This is a meaning of a public class named 'Fundamental.' In Java, each application should contain a primary class that embodies the program's rationale.

  • public static void main(String[] args) {...} − The principal technique is the section point for any Java application. The JVM begins executing the program from this technique. The catchphrase 'static' demonstrates that this strategy has a place with the Fundamental class, not occurrences of it. 'void' signifies it returns no worth. String[] args is a cluster that contains order line contentions.

  • int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; − This line proclaims a variety of numbers 'arr' and instates it with the qualities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

  • for (int I = 0; I < arr.length; i++) {...} − This for-circle emphasizes over the cluster 'arr.' The loop variable 'i' starts from 0 and increments by one with each iteration until it is no longer less than the length of 'arr' (arr.length).

  • System.out.println(arr[i]); − Inside the circle, this line prints the ongoing component of the exhibit to the control center.

Ruby offers several ways to achieve the same task, one of which is using the each method −


# main.rb
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arr.each do |i|
   puts i




  • # main.rb − This is a remark in Ruby. Any text after a # on a line is viewed as a remark and is disregarded by the mediator. This line is demonstrating that this code may be in a record named "main.rb".

  • arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] − This line proclaims a cluster named arr and instates it with five numbers − 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In Ruby, you don't have to proclaim a variable's sort - the mediator will consequently reason it in light of the doled out esteem.

  • arr.each do |i| ... end − This is a circle that emphasizes over every component in arr. each is a Ruby strategy that can be approached clusters (in addition to other things) to play out an activity for every component in the exhibit. The code among do and end is the activity that is performed - this is known as a block in Ruby.

  • |i| − This is a block variable. For every cycle of the circle, I will hold the ongoing component of the cluster.

  • puts i − This is the operation that's performed on each element in arr. puts is a method in Ruby that prints its argument to the console, followed by a newline. So, for each element in arr, this line will print the element.

  • In summary, this code declares an array of integers, iterates over each integer in the array, and prints it to the console.

Approach 2: Function Definition

In Java, functions are defined as methods within classes −


public class Test {
   static void myMethod() {
      System.out.println("Hello, World!");

   public static void main(String[] args) {


Hello, World!


  • public class Test {...} − This declares a public class named 'Test.' In Java, every application must have a main class that houses the program's logic.

  • static void myMethod() {...} − This is a meaning of a static strategy named 'myMethod.' 'static' signifies this technique has a place with the 'Test' class and not to any example of the class. 'void' shows it doesn't return a worth. This technique, when called, will print "Hi, World!" to the control center.

  • System.out.println("Hello, World!"); − This line of code is a call to the println method, which prints the string "Hello, World!" followed by a newline to the control community.

  • public static void main(String[] args) {...} − The primary strategy is the section point of any Java application. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) begins executing the program from this technique. It calls 'myMethod()', thereby triggering the printing of "Hello, World!".

In Ruby, you don't need to encapsulate methods within classes (although you can if you want). Here's the equivalent Ruby code −


def my_method
   puts "Hello, World!"


Hello, world!


  • def my_method ... end − This is the declaration of a method named my_method. In Ruby, methods are defined using the keyword def followed by the method name. The code that makes up the method is put between def and the end keyword.

  • puts "Hi, World!" − Inside the my_method definition, this line of code is a guidance to yield the string "Hi, World!" to the control center. puts is a standard Ruby strategy that composes its contention trailed by a newline to the control center.

  • my_method − This is a call to the technique my_method. At the point when Ruby executes this content, it will run the code characterized in the my_method capability, yielding "Hi, World!" to the control center

Difference Between Java And Ruby





Statically typed

Dynamically typed


Object-Oriented, class-based, concurrent, secure

Multi-paradigm (functional, object-oriented, imperative, reflective)


More complex and verbose, requires explicit type declaration

Clean and simple, does not require explicit type declaration


Requires compilation before running

Interpreted language, does not require separate compilation

Use Case

Extensively used in enterprise-level applications, mobile applications (Android), and web

Popular for web applications, specifically with the Ruby on Rails framework


Generally faster due to being compiled to bytecode

Generally slower due to being interpreted


Supports single class inheritance and multiple interface inheritance

Supports single inheritance and mixin functionalities for multiple inheritance


Large, well-established community with a wide range of third-party libraries (JavaBeans)

Large, active community with a wide range of gems (libraries

Error Handling

Uses exceptions

Uses exceptions and blocks

Primary Pro

Powerful for large-scale applications due to its robustness and extensive libraries

High readability and expressiveness; quick development

Primary Con

Verbosity and complexity can slow down development

Slower runtime performance compared to Java


While both Java and Ruby are potent programming languages capable of performing complex tasks, they have distinct differences. Java, with its verbose and strict syntax, may be considered harder to write but it’s powerful for large-scale, enterprise-level applications. Ruby, with its elegant, minimalist syntax, shines for quick development and readability. The choice between the two will largely depend on the specific use-case, the team's expertise, and the project requirements.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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