Difference Between Decibel and Sabin

Decibel and Sabin are units of measurement for various characteristics of sound, but they represent different quantities and serve different purposes. The decibel scale is logarithmic; the values are not directly proportionate to the physical quantity being measured. Sabin (Sab) is a unit of measurement used to estimate a material's sound absorption characteristics.

Read this article to find out more about Decibel and Sabin and how they are different from each other.

What is Decibel?

The decibel scale is logarithmic; the values are not directly proportionate to the physical quantity being measured. Instead, it denotes the ratio of two quantities, typically in relation to a reference level. Because our perception of sound strength is similarly logarithmic, this logarithmic scale is used.

The most typical use of decibels in acoustics is to measure sound pressure level (SPL), which represents the intensity or loudness of a sound wave. The formula for calculating sound pressure level in dB is as follows:

dB = 20 * log10 (P / Pref)

Here, "P" denotes the measured sound pressure, while "Pref" is the reference sound pressure. The most frequent reference sound pressure is 20 micropascals (Pa), which is considered the human hearing threshold at 1 kHz.

Decibels are widely used to represent music volume, environmental noise loudness, speaker power level, amplifier gain, or radio signal strength. They can also be used to compare various sound sources or evaluate the influence of noise on human health and safety.

What is Sabin?

Sabin (Sab) is a unit of measurement used to estimate a material's sound absorption characteristics or the sound insulation capabilities of a partition or space. It denotes the overall amount of sound absorption supplied by a surface area.

Sabin is named for Wallace Clement Sabine, a pioneering American physicist who developed acoustics. Sabine's research focused on understanding how sound behaves in enclosed areas and creating techniques to improve their acoustics.

Sabin takes into account a material's or partition's surface area as well as its sound absorption coefficient. The sound absorption coefficient (abbreviated alpha) shows the percentage of sound energy absorbed by the medium. It has a value between 0 and 1 (full reflection, no absorption).

Total sound absorption in Sabins is calculated by multiplying the surface area (in square metres) by the sound absorption coefficient. It can be stated mathematically as:

Sabins = Surface Area (m²) * Absorption Coefficient

For example, a material with a surface area of 10 square metres and an absorption coefficient of 0.8 would offer 8 Sabins of total sound absorption.

In architectural and acoustic engineering, the Sabin is commonly used to measure and improve the acoustic qualities of rooms, auditoriums, theatres, concert halls, and other enclosed spaces. It helps in the design of sound-quality spaces by minimizing echo and reverberation and creating a comfortable listening environment.

Difference between Decibel and Sabin

The following table highlights the major differences between Decibel and Sabin:





Logarithmic scale

Linear scale

Quantity Measured

Sound intensity, power, voltage, etc.

Sound absorption or sound insulation capabilities


Describes the relative loudness or strength of sound

Quantifies the acoustic properties of materials or spaces


dB = 10 * log10 (P1/P0)

Sabins = Surface Area * Absorption Coefficient


Used in acoustics, telecommunications, electronics, etc.

Used in architectural and acoustic engineering


Describing the volume of music, sound level of a noise

Assessing the acoustic performance of a room, selecting sound-absorbing materials

Unit Origin

No specific namesake

Named after physicist Wallace Clement Sabine


In conclusion, decibel (dB) measures sound strength or level, whereas Sabin (Sab) measures sound absorption or insulation. Sabins are used to quantify the soundproofing or acoustic qualities of materials and spaces, whereas decibels are used to describe the loudness or power of sound.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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