Difference between Control Structure and Control Statement

Control structures and control statements are essential concepts in programming. A control structure could be a piece of code that controls the stream of execution of a program based on certain conditions. On the other hand, a control explanation could be a statement that performs a particular activity based on certain conditions. In this article, we'll investigate the difference between control structures and control explanations, their utilization, and how they contribute to the general usefulness of a program. We'll too talk about a few illustrations of commonly utilized control structures and articulations of completely different programming dialects.

Control Structure

A control structure may be a fundamental concept in programming that permits engineers to form coherent structures that control the stream of a program based on particular conditions. Control structures are categorized into three different types grouping, determination, and cycle. A grouping control structure could be a straightforward, direct structure that executes code successively, one after the other. A determination control structure is utilized to execute particular codes based on certain conditions. It incorporates if-else explanations and switches articulations. At long last, an emphasis control structure is utilized to rehash a chunk of code at different times based on particular conditions.

Features of Control Structure

  • Control structures give a way to control the stream of execution in a program.

  • Control structures can be utilized to form consistent structures that execute code based on particular conditions.

  • Control structures can make strides in the proficiency of a program by avoiding pointless computations.

  • Control structures can make programs less demanding to get and investigate by making coherent structures that are simpler to take after.

Advantages of Control Structure

  • The essential point of interest of control structures is that they can move forward the proficiency of a program. By controlling the stream of execution, control structures can avoid pointless computations and speed up the program's execution.

  • Control structures can make programs less demanding to get and investigate by making consistent structures that are simpler to take after.

  • Control structures permit conditional execution, which suggests that code can be executed as it were when specific conditions are met. This could offer assistance to anticipate mistakes and make strides in the reliability of a program by guaranteeing that code is executed within the adjusted arrangement.

Drawbacks of Control Structure

  • Abuse of control structures can make code more complex and harder to get it. If as well numerous control structures are utilized, it can be troublesome to see the general structure of the program and get how the diverse parts of the code relate to each other.

  • Control structures can make code harder to preserve by making conditions between distinctive parts of the code.

  • Control structures can make code harder to investigate by making complex and complicated rationale structures. If there are bugs within the code, it can be troublesome to distinguish and settle them since of the complex interdependencies between diverse parts of the code.

Control Statement

A control statement could be a sort of statement that performs a particular activity based on certain conditions. Control articulations permit designers to alter the stream of execution of a program based on particular conditions. There are a few sorts of control statements, counting if-else, switch, and circle explanations. An if-else articulation is utilized to execute a particular code based on a particular condition. A switch statement is utilized to execute particular code based on different conditions. At last, a loop articulation is utilized to rehash a chunk of code at different times based on particular conditions.

Features of Control Statement

  • Control explanations permit the software engineer to indicate conditions beneath which certain pieces of code ought to be executed.

  • Control explanations can be utilized to make complex decision-making structures in a program.

  • They can be utilized to perform mistake dealing and other exception-handling errands.

  • Control statements can be utilized to form consistent structures in a program that make it less demanding to peruse and get it.

  • Control articulations can be used to make settled structures, which can be utilized to form more complex decision-making structures.

Control Statement Drawbacks Include

  • Control statements can make code more complex and harder to get, particularly if they are utilized unreasonably or improperly.

  • Control statements can make code harder to study and get, particularly if they are utilized unreasonably or improperly.

  • Control statements can increase the execution time of a program, particularly in case they are utilized too much or improperly. This may lead to slower program execution, which can be an issue for expansive or time-critical programs.

Differences between Control Structure and Control Statement

The differences are in the following table −

Basis Of Difference

Control Structure

Control Statement


Control structures are squares of code that control the stream of execution based on certain conditions.

Control structures are squares of code that control the stream of execution based on certain conditions.


They manage how the program streams and which segments of code are executed.

They execute particular activities or operations based on conditions.


Utilized to gather articulations together and make consistent arrangements of code.

Utilized to form choices, repeat over a set of values, or perform certain activities based on conditions.

Execution Control

Control structure can control the execution stream by changing the arrangement in which articulations are executed

The control statement executes a single activity or a square of articulations based on conditions.

Structure Adjustment

It can alter the structure of the code by including circles, conditional explanations, or branching explanations.

It does not adjust the structure of the code; it performs particular operations inside the existing structure.

Code Organization

It empowers the gathering and organization of related code squares.

It does not affect code organization; it is ordinarily utilized inside control structures to perform particular activities.


In conclusion, Control structures and control explanations are basic components of any programming dialect. Whereas they could seem comparable, there are unmistakable contrasts between control structures and control articulations. Control structures control the stream of execution of a program based on certain conditions, whereas control explanations perform particular activities based on those conditions. Both control structures and control articulations have their focal points and disadvantages, and it is up to designers to select suitable ones for their programs. By understanding the contrasts between control structures and control explanations, designers can make more effective and successful programs.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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