Count triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose product is equal to a given value x in C++

Given a sorted doubly linked list containing integer values. The goal is to find triplets whose product is equal to the given value x. If input linked list is 3−4−1−2 and x is 6 then count will be 1 (triplet (3,1,2))

For Example


linked list: [ 200−4−16−5−10−10−2 ] x=200


Count of triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose product is equal to a given
value x are: 3


Triplets will be:
(4,5,10), (4,5,10) and (10,10,2)


linked list: [ 4−3−1−5−2−4−2] x=12


Count of triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose product is equal to a given
value x are: 3


Triplets will be:
(4,3,1), (3,1,4) and (3,2,2)

Approach used in the below program is as follows

In this approach.

  • We are taking a linked list node as struct containing int data part and self−referential next and previous pointers

  • Function insert_node(struct block** head, int data) adds the node at the head of linked list with data.

  • Function Product_x(struct block* head, int x) takes the pointer to the head of doubly linked list and integer x and returns the count of triplets of nodes having product of data part as x.

  • Take the initial count as 0.

  • Take three pointers temp_1, temp_2 and temp_3 of type struct block.

  • Starting from temp_1 pointing to the head of the linked list, temp_2 pointing to next to temp_1 and temp_3 pointing to the next to temp_3, we have three pointers pointing to the first three nodes.

  • Traverse using these pointers until the last node.

  • If current data parts of all above pointers have product as x. ((temp_1−>data * temp_2− >data * temp_3−>data) == x) then increment count.

  • At the end we counted the number of triplets and stored in count.

  • Return count as result.


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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct block{
   int data;
   struct block *next, *prev;
void insert_node(struct block** head, int data){
   struct block* ptr = new block();
   ptr−>data = data;
   ptr−>next = NULL;
   ptr−>prev = NULL;
   if ((*head) == NULL){
      (*head) = ptr;
   } else {
      ptr−>next = *head;
      (*head)−>prev = ptr;
      (*head) = ptr;
int Product_x(struct block* head, int x){
   int count = 0;
   struct block *temp_1, *temp_2, *temp_3;
   for (temp_1 = head; temp_1!= NULL; temp_1 = temp_1−>next){
      for (temp_2 = temp_1−>next; temp_2 != NULL; temp_2 = temp_2−>next){
         for (temp_3 = temp_2−>next; temp_3!= NULL; temp_3 = temp_3−>next){
            if ((temp_1−>data * temp_2−>data * temp_3−>data) == x){
   return count;
int main(){
   struct block* head = NULL;
   insert_node(&head, 200);
   insert_node(&head, 100);
   insert_node(&head, 16);
   insert_node(&head, 14);
   insert_node(&head, 10);
   insert_node(&head, 10);
   insert_node(&head, 2);
   int x = 200;
   cout<<"Count of triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose product is equal to a given value
   x are: "<<Product_x(head, x);
   return 0;


If we run the above code it will generate the following output −

Count of triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose product is equal to a given value x are : 1

Updated on: 05-Jan-2021


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