Constitutional Provisions Related to Center-State Relations at a Glance: A Quick Overview


In this article, we have provided you with all the provisions [that are from Article 245 to Article 293] and their explanations of content with respect to center-state relations under the Indian constitution in Details

Constitutional Provisions Related to Center-State Relations at a Glance

We have mentioned all the constitutional provisions related to the Center state relations under the Indian constitution-

Article 245

This article deals with the extent of laws made by Parliament and the state legislatures. It states that the Parliament can make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India, while the state legislatures can make laws for the whole or any part of the state.

Article 246

This article defines the distribution of legislative powers between the central and state governments. It provides for a three-fold division of legislative powers between the Union List, the State List, and the Concurrent List.

Article 247

This article provides for the establishment of the Inter-State Council to promote cooperation and coordination between the central and state governments.

Article 248

This article deals with the power of Parliament to make laws on any subject not enumerated in the State List or the Concurrent List.

Article 249

This article empowers Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State List in the national interest, even if the subject falls within the domain of the state legislatures.

Article 250

This article provides for the continuation of existing laws and the power of Parliament to make laws with respect to any matter in the State List during a national emergency.

Article 251

This article empowers Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State List for two or more states, if requested to do so by those states.

Article 252

This article provides for the power of Parliament to make laws for two or more states with the consent of those states.

Article 253

This article deals with the power of Parliament to make laws for the whole or any part of the country for implementing international agreements or treaties.

Article 254

This article deals with the conflict between central and state laws in relation to matters in the Concurrent List. It provides for the overriding power of central laws in case of such a conflict.

Article 255

This article provides for the power of the central government to give directions to the state governments with respect to the exercise of their executive powers.

Article 256

This article deals with the obligation of the state governments to ensure compliance with the laws made by the Parliament.

Article 257

This article provides for the power of the central government to delegate its executive powers to the state governments.

Article 258

This article provides for the power of the central government to entrust the functions and powers exercised by it to the state governments.

Article 259

This article deals with the power of the central government to take over the administration of a state in certain situations.

Article 260

This article deals with the power of the President to make regulations for the peace, progress, and good government of certain Union territories.

Article 261

This article provides for the authority of the central government in relation to disputes between states and between a state and the central government.

Article 262

This article provides for the adjudication of disputes relating to waters between states and the establishment of a tribunal for this purpose.

Article 263

This article provides for the establishment of an Inter-State Council to promote cooperation and coordination between the central and state governments.

Article 264

This article provides for the establishment of a Finance Commission to make recommendations on the distribution of taxes between the central and state governments.

Article 265

This article provides for the principle of taxation not to be imposed without the authority of law.

Article 266

This article deals with the Consolidated Fund of India and the Consolidated Funds of the states.

Article 267

This article provides for the contingency fund of India and the contingency funds of the states.

Article 268

This article provides for the duties levied by the central government but collected and appropriated by the state governments.

Article 269

This article deals with the power of the central government to levy and collect taxes on the sale or purchase of goods in the course of inter-state trade or commerce.

Article 270

This article deals with the distribution of taxes collected by the central government between the Union and the states.

Article 271

This article deals with the grants-in-aid to states from the Consolidated Fund of India.

Article 272

This article provides for the power of the Parliament to levy taxes on the consignment of goods from one state to another.

Article 273

This article deals with the grants for promoting the welfare of Scheduled Tribes in certain states.

Article 274

This article provides for the contingency fund of each state.

Article 275

This article deals with the grants-in-aid to states for the execution of schemes for Scheduled Tribes and for raising the level of administration of the Scheduled Areas.

Article 276

This article provides for the taxes on professions, trades, callings, and employment.

Article 277

This article deals with the power of the state legislatures to impose taxes on sales or purchases of goods.

Article 278

This article provides for the collection of taxes by the state governments on behalf of the central government.

Article 279

This article provides for the collection of taxes by the state governments on behalf of the central government.

Article 280

This article deals with the establishment of a Finance Commission to make recommendations on the distribution of taxes between the central and state governments.

Article 281

This article provides for the distribution of revenues between the Union and the states.

Article 282

This article deals with the power of the Union and the states to make grants for any public purpose.

Article 283

This article provides for the custody of the Consolidated Funds of the states.

Article 284

This article provides for the custody of contingency funds of the states.

Article 285

This article provides for the exemption of the property of the Union from state taxation.

Article 286

This article provides for restrictions on the imposition of taxes on the sale or purchase of goods within a state.

Article 287

This article deals with the power of the state governments to impose taxes on railways, posts, and telegraphs.

Article 288

This article provides for the exemption of property and income of states from Union taxation.

Article 289

This article provides for the exemption of property and income of the Union from state taxation.

Article 290

This article deals with the payment of a share of the net proceeds of Union taxes to certain states.

Article 291

This article provides for the payment of a share of the net proceeds of state taxes to the Union.

Article 292

This article provides for the borrowing powers of the states.

Article 293

This article deals with the restrictions on the borrowing powers of the states.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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