Cloud Computing Interview Questions

There are different aspects to cloud computing. Cloud computing is a term used to describe the virtual environment that offers hosted sources through the Internet. This covers intelligence, databases, analytics, servers, and networking. Flexibility, creativity, and cost-efficiency are all factors that were considered when doing this. For both mid-sized and small firms, this has shown to be of considerable assistance. Machine learning, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are all used in cloud computing. The handling of data and documents has undergone several revolutions thanks to cloud computing.

Interview Questions on Cloud Computing

What are the different cloud service models?

There are primarily three types of cloud service models. Each has a unique set of benefits and differs from the others in terms of one or more traits. Before choosing one of them, let's examine their qualities and determine how they correspond to our unique needs.

IaaS − Highly automated computational resources make up IaaS, or Infrastructure as a Service. Through IaaS, companies may access hardware resources on demand without making any upfront hardware purchases. Because of its tremendous scalability, IaaS may help with rapid access to and monitoring computers, database storage, and other networking services.

PaaS − Customizing apps that require cloud components with PaaS (Platform as a Service) is beneficial. When there are several developers involved, PaaS facilitates workflow optimization. Developers can control the programs, but companies can access the network and storage.

SaaS − Software as a Service (SaaS) is service delivery paradigm in which users receive programs via cloud platforms, and a third party manages those apps after delivery. Since no other installs are needed, they are exceedingly convenient to use.

Describe the architecture of cloud computing.

From an architectural standpoint, the parts of a cloud model come together to form the cloud computing architecture. The relationship between the various cloud services and how they meet business needs is shown in the image below. The cloud service consumer is a representation of the various ways that cloud services are used on the left. It is crucial to combine the appropriate services that can assist both internal and external users, regardless of the needs of the specific component. To accommodate changing company demands, management of the customers should be able to make services easily accessible. This group includes the on-premises computing model-based services, infrastructure, middleware, and applications.

What are microservices?

Microservices development is the process of creating software applications using code independent of one another and the platform they are built on. Once developed, each microservice has its distinct workflow and uses clear, standardized APIs for communication. To make it simple for developers to find the appropriate service and to comprehend the use of governance guidelines, these services are specified in the form of a catalog.

What security features does the cloud offer?

Security features offered by the cloud are −

  • It gives the application services permission.

  • Users must be granted authorization to manage the access of another user joining the cloud environment.

  • Only permits authenticated and authorized users to access the apps and data.

What are the security regulations in place to protect data in a cloud?

The security regulations used to safeguard cloud data include −

  • Control the data that is being accurately and thoroughly handled by an application

  • It oversees and controls the data being changed in any file.

  • It regulates the data that must be compared between input and output.

  • Data control for input validation

  • In addition to offering security and backup, it also manages the logs of security breaches.

What function do APIs provide in cloud services?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are extremely beneficial for cloud platforms −

  • It does away with the necessity to create completely developed programs.

  • It offers the guidance needed to make communication possible across a few different apps.

  • It simplifies building apps and connecting cloud services to other systems.

What are elasticity and scalability in the cloud?

A feature of cloud computing is scalability, which allows for the proportional expansion of resource capacity to accommodate growing workloads. Elasticity, on the other hand, is a quality that emphasizes the idea of commissioning and decommissioning a sizable amount of resource capacity.

What are hybrid cloud, public cloud, and private cloud?

Public cloud: Public clouds are by far the most typical kind of cloud computing. Public cloud service providers are owners and operators of the hardware, software, and other auxiliary infrastructure. You share the same hardware with other businesses, or "tenants," and use a web browser to access services. Microsoft Azure is one illustration.

Private cloud: A private cloud is solely used by your company or organization. It might take place at your home or with a business. The infrastructure and services of a private cloud are exclusive to you and remain on your private network, setting it apart from a public cloud. By adapting the resources to your needs, they can make it simpler to satisfy IT requirements. The usage of private clouds by government organizations is common.

Hybrid cloud: A hybrid cloud combines on-premises computers, storage, and data. Additionally, there are public cloud services like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services with various platforms.

What is an API gateway?

An API gateway enables several APIs to work together as a single gateway to provide a consistent user experience. This efficiently handles every API call. While centrally administering the APIs, the API gateway provides enterprise-level security. The API gateway can carry out routine operations for API services. These tasks include providing stats, rate limits, and user authentication.


In this tutorial, the interview questions are supplied. Thanks to cloud computing, businesses may view their resources as a single pool as opposed to as separate ones. Your next cloud computing interview will almost certainly include these questions.

Updated on: 01-Nov-2022


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