Yaswanth Varma has Published 279 Articles

How to create the tabbing order of an element in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 05-Sep-2022 12:24:36

5K+ Views

tabindex is a global attribute that enables an HTML element to get focused in a sequential keyboard order (usually using the TAB key of keyboard). In order to function in an accessible manner, it requires a value of 0, a negative number or a positive. The tabindex attribute can be ... Read More

How to add an address element in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:21:48


The address tag in HTML identifies a person's or an organization's contact details. The address tag has several meanings when used in different places in an HTML page, such as, when it is used within the tag, it will display the document's contact information; and if it appears inside ... Read More

How to use inline CSS style for an element in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:18:54


Using inline CSS we can apply a distinct style to one HTML element at a time. This can be done using the style attribute. Inline CSS always overrides style properties determined in internal or external style sheets. Syntax Following are the examples… Example In the following example we ... Read More

Create a shortcut key to activate an element in HTML

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:16:45

3K+ Views

We can design a keyboard shortcut to carry out certain actions, such clicking a link or button, for Displaying the Keyboard text. When defining the element, we may utilise the accesskey attribute to specify a keyboard shortcut for that control element. This attribute must contain at least one printable character, ... Read More

Using more than one CSS classes for an element in HTML

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:13:26


To create CSS more quickly, we can give a single HTML element numerous classes and style each class separately. This method allows us to manage style application redundancy. We can apply the universal styles to many classes and the particular class-specific styles. Syntax Example In the following example ... Read More

What are free libraries for Canvas in HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:10:33


Using scripting, the canvas element is utilised to create graphics instantly (usually JavaScript). This tag is just introduced in HTML5. The element serves only as a holding area for images. To draw the visuals, you must utilise a script. There are numerous ways to draw pathways, boxes, circles, characters, ... Read More

How to use different step attribute in one range input in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:08:02


The permitted number intervals are determined by the HTML input type step property. Steps are numerical steps such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on. To construct a range of valid values, combine the step attribute with the max and min properties. They establish a stepping interval ... Read More

What is the correct way of using
, or
in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 11:05:24

7K+ Views

There are multiple correct ways to use a br tag in the web documents. In HTML, a line break is made with the tag. We don't need to close because it's an empty tag. To break a line, either or are acceptable. However, tags are ... Read More

Why do we use DOCTYPES in HTML document?

Yaswanth Varma

Yaswanth Varma

Updated on 02-Sep-2022 10:55:02

1K+ Views

A DOCTYPE is nothing more than a document type declaration, which is a list of guidelines that must be attached to a certain html, xml, or sgxml online document. Because it is required for the HTML version, if the user application experiences any problems at that time, it can be ... Read More
