Praveen Varghese Thomas has Published 2094 Articles

The Tradition of Miniatures

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:23:55

1K+ Views

Introduction The art of miniature paintings in India can be traced back to the 9th- 10th centuries. This art became dominant in the reign of Buddhist pala rulers of eastern India. Jains also used miniature paintings in their manuscripts. With the invention of paper, the evolution of miniature paintings is ... Read More

The Reformation and Martin Luther

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:18:00


Who Was Martin Luther? Martin Luther was the pioneer of protestant reform in the Christian religions. Martin Luther was a theologian and religious leader who opposed the religious authority of the Roman Catholic church. Martin Luther's idea and interpretation of religion led to the rise of a new sect in ... Read More

The Attitude Towards Women During the Early 19th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:14:23


Introduction Brahmans and Kshatriyas were regarded as members of the "higher castes" in accordance with the caste system. After them, they have put others like merchants, and money lenders (commonly referred to as Vaishyas). Peasants and Shudra (artisans) including weavers and potters, then arrived. The lowest caste consisted of those ... Read More

Socialism in Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:11:37


Introduction The start of the 19th century brought many changes. With the end of the French revolution, the whole world saw the impact of modern ideas and a wave of modern thought spread over the world. Multiple inventions happened in the field of science and many modern ideas came flocking ... Read More

Roman Empire

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:09:21


Introduction The Ancient Roman republic reigned from the year 509 BCE to 27 BCE. The republic was ruled by a senate, a group of nobles. In the year 27 BCE, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, Augustus established the Roman Empire. He established the first empire and his reign was ... Read More

Religion in India After the 13th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:06:11


Introduction Religion and culture have played an important role in history from ancient India to modern India. India is a country where different religions are established. All religions have different characteristics and different religious practices. Four important religions Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist were born in the land of India. ... Read More

Pastoralism in Africa

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:01:12


Introduction The African continent was a long-serving colony of Britishers and other European countries. The sole aim of these colonial powers was to drain as much wealth as they could from the colonies. The most significant source of income was the revenue generated from agriculture. For that purpose, the colonial ... Read More

Oracle Bones

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:56:45


Introduction The truth about ancient cultures across the world is known via numerous means like written documents. rituals, beliefs, coins, carbon dating, poems, and stories. A prominent example of the process is the study of Vedic and post-Vedic cultures. Although the period dates back to 1500 BCE, we find evidence ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:40:07


Introduction In Ancient times the battles between two clans were fought for resources like pasture, water and cattle. Men participated in all wars and there was no regular army. Some parts of the exploits were taken by the leader and some were donated to priests and the rest were distributed ... Read More

Janapadas, Mahajanapadas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Praveen Varghese Thomas

Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:36:09

2K+ Views

Introduction With the beginning of the later Vedic period, Indo-Aryans shifted to the Gangetic plains of India and began to settle there. Initially, they used to live in tribal forms on a particular territory, called Janapadas. The rulers of these territories began to expand their areas in order to form ... Read More
