Mukesh Kumar has Published 2035 Articles

Who are Entitled to Free Legal Service in India?

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:59:28


Accessing the justice and opportunity to be represented in the court is Constitutional as well as Fundamental Right. And, to justify this right, the provision of legal aid and free legal service plays a crucial role. The provision of free legal service designed to provide free legal advice, counseling, legal ... Read More

Trademark: Fair and Nominative Use

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 13-Dec-2023 15:14:36


The primary benefit of a trademark enjoyed by a Registered Proprietor and this right prevents others from using an identical with and/or deceptively similar trademark. The primary function of a trademark is to operate as a source identifier of products and services. This advantage for trademark owners is not, however, ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in the United States

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:27:28


There are a number of significant biodiversity hotspots in the United States, places that are incredibly rich in rare and endangered plant and animal species. Because of the serious risks they confront and the great levels of biodiversity they exhibit, these hotspots require immediate conservation. These hotspots, which ... Read More

Major Hydropower Projects of Africa

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:12:28


Africa is home to impressive hydropower projects including the Cahora Bassa Dam, Aswan High Dam, and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. These projects demonstrate Africa's dedication to sustainable development and making the most of its natural resources, from the large reservoirs and outstanding power capacity to their considerable contributions to renewable ... Read More

Major Borderlines of the United States

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:11:36


The main borders of the United States outline the nation's boundaries and geographic divisions. The determination of political, cultural, and administrative jurisdictions is significantly influenced by these boundaries. These boundaries, which range from coastlines to state borders, international borders, and time zones, create the identity of the country and have ... Read More

Major Boundaries of Canada

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:10:52


Canada is surrounded by a number of nations and bodies of water. Its northern border is formed by the Arctic Ocean, and its eastern and western borders are formed by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, respectively. Canada and the United States are separated by territory to the south. These lines ... Read More

Major Boundaries in Europe

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:06:12


The main geographical elements that define and delineate regions on the continent of Europe include a wide range. These boundaries, which range from those between countries that make up the European Union to those created by nature such as mountains, rivers, and seas, have formed history, affected civilizations, and aided ... Read More

Major Countries with the Longest Coastlines in Africa

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 11:02:51


Africa, is renowned for its fascinating and varied coasts. These coastlines, which cover thousands of kilometers, provide a range of sceneries, including gorgeous beaches, rocky cliffs, and vibrant coastal cities. Africa's coastlines have had a tremendous impact on the development of its history, culture, and natural beauty. Some of the ... Read More

Major Coastlines in Canada

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:59:10


Canada is home to several, long coastlines that highlight the country's stunning natural surroundings and diverse marine life. The main coastlines are the Atlantic Coastline, which stretches 29, 000 km across Newfoundland and Labrador, the Pacific Coastline, which stretches 27, 200 km in British Columbia, and the Arctic Coastline, which ... Read More

Major Coastlines in Europe

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:58:21


Europe's major coastlines offer a variety of scenery, cultural experiences, and recreational activities, making them a distinguishing characteristic of the continent. Visitors are enthralled by the natural beauty and rich history of these coastal regions, which range from the craggy cliffs of the North Sea Coast to the picturesque islands ... Read More
