Association Mapping or Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping Of QTL


Genetic mapping is a crucial tool in the study of inheritance and evolution. It allows us to locate the genes that underlie traits of interest, such as disease susceptibility, crop yield, or even behavior.

Two main types of genetic mapping are used in modern research −

  • Association mapping.

  • Linkage mapping.

The article below focuses on association mapping and linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL).

We will explain the basic principles behind these methods, their advantages and limitations, and how they are used in research today.

Association Mapping

Association mapping, also known as genome-wide association study (GWAS), is a method used to identify genomic regions associated with a trait of interest in a population. The basic principle behind association mapping is to look for statistical associations between genetic variants and the trait in question.

The first step in an association study is to genotype a large number of individuals for millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the genome. These SNPs are chosen to be evenly spaced across the genome and are known to vary in frequency across different populations.

Once the genotyping is complete, statistical tests are performed to identify SNPs that are significantly associated with the trait of interest. The most commonly used statistical test is the chi-squared test, which compares the observed frequencies of a particular SNP in individuals with and without the trait.

If the frequency of the SNP is significantly different between the two groups, it suggests that the SNP is associated with the trait.

One advantage of association mapping is that it can be used to identify genomic regions associated with any trait, regardless of its mode of inheritance. This makes it useful for studying complex traits that are influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors.

Association mapping is also useful for identifying rare variants that are associated with a trait but are difficult to detect using traditional linkage mapping.

However, there are some limitations to association mapping. One of the biggest challenges is controlling for population structure, which can lead to false-positive associations.

Population structure refers to the genetic differences between subpopulations within a larger population. If the individuals in the study come from different subpopulations, it can be difficult to distinguish between true associations and those that are due to differences in ancestry. Several methods have been developed to control for population structure, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and structured association.

Another limitation of association mapping is that it cannot identify the causative variant itself. Instead, it identifies a genomic region that is associated with the trait. This means that additional experiments, such as functional studies or fine mapping, are needed to identify the specific genetic variant that is responsible for the association.

Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping is a method used to identify QTLs by exploiting the non-random association between alleles at different loci.

LD is the tendency for alleles at nearby loci to be inherited together more often than expected by chance alone. This is because recombination events are relatively rare, and the alleles at two loci are more likely to be separated by mutation rather than recombination.

The basic principle behind LD mapping is to identify genomic regions where the frequency of a particular allele is significantly different between individuals with and without the trait of interest. This suggests that the allele is linked to a QTL that affects the trait.

The first step in an LD mapping study is to genotype a large number of individuals for a set of SNPs that are known to be in LD with the QTL of interest. These SNPs are chosen based on their physical proximity to the QTL and their frequency in the population. The genotyping data is then used to estimate the strength of LD between the SNPs and the QTL.

Once the LD is estimated, statistical tests are performed to identify SNPs that are significantly associated with the trait of interest. One common statistical test used in LD mapping is the chi-squared test, which compares the observed and expected frequencies of a particular SNP in individuals with and without the trait.

One advantage of LD mapping is that it can identify the causative variant itself, rather than just a genomic region associated with the trait. This is because the causative variant is more likely to be in strong LD with the SNPs that are genotyped. This makes LD mapping a powerful tool for identifying the genetic basis of complex traits.

However, like association mapping, LD mapping also has some limitations. One major challenge is the need for a large number of markers in strong LD with the QTL. This can be difficult to achieve, especially in species with large genomes.

Another limitation is that LD mapping is sensitive to the quality of the genotyping data. Genotyping errors or missing data can lead to false associations.

Comparison of Association Mapping and LD Mapping

Association mapping and LD mapping are two powerful methods used to identify QTLs. Both methods have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of method depends on the specific research question and the characteristics of the population being studied.

  • One advantage of association mapping over LD mapping is that it can be used to identify genomic regions associated with any trait, regardless of its mode of inheritance.

  • This makes it useful for studying complex traits that are influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Association mapping is also useful for identifying rare variants that are associated with a trait but are difficult to detect using traditional linkage mapping.

  • On the other hand, LD mapping has the advantage of being able to identify the causative variant itself, rather than just a genomic region associated with the trait.

  • This makes it a powerful tool for identifying the genetic basis of complex traits. Additionally, LD mapping can be more robust to population structure than association mapping, because it relies on LD between alleles at nearby loci rather than on differences in allele frequencies between subpopulations.


In conclusion, association mapping and LD mapping are two powerful methods used to identify QTLs. Both methods have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of method depends on the specific research question and the characteristics of the population being studied.

Association mapping is useful for identifying genomic regions associated with any trait, regardless of its mode of inheritance, and for identifying rare variants that are associated with a trait but are difficult to detect using traditional linkage mapping. However, controlling for population structure can be a challenge in association mapping studies.

LD mapping has the advantage of being able to identify the causative variant itself, rather than just a genomic region associated with the trait. This makes it a powerful tool for identifying the genetic basis of complex traits. Additionally, LD mapping can be more robust to population structure than association mapping.

Overall, both association mapping and LD mapping are powerful tools for genetic mapping, and their combined use can provide a better understanding of the genetic basis of complex traits.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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