Found 575 Articles for Physics

Unit of Capacitance

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 14:45:37


Introduction In an electrical circuit, the main components are current, voltage, and resistance. The electric current is the flow of charge. The voltage supply works as the energy source for these charges for movement. We can understand the concept of potential by taking the example of water flow. Water always flows from a higher level to a lower level. The potential energy in an electric field is a function of position, hence it has a different value for different points. For a unit charge, the potential energy is called potential. If we place a unit of electric charge, it ... Read More

Generalization of Kirchhoff's Laws

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 14:36:08


Introduction Kirchhoff’s law is used to study the electrical energy used in a circuit. The movement of the charged particles is responsible for electric energy. Energy obtained from the kinetic energy or potential energy of the charged particles is the electric energy. Charged particles are atoms, molecules, or ions that have a charge on them. There is a force of attraction or repulsion between the charged particles which depends on the coulomb’s law. Electricity flow from one point to another point through a closed path called a circuit. Electric current passes through this closed path. We use many electronic ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 13:07:29


Introduction Dielectrics materials plays a major role while studying Solid State Physics. As we know matter can be found in three states. They are gaseous state, solid state and liquid state. Atoms or ions or molecules combine to form a substance. Solid State Physics is a branch of physics that describes the physical properties of matter in a solid or solid state. Initially, the field was considered a branch of metals and later, it expanded into a field of study of all types of solids. This field of science is at the forefront of today's modern science and technology. ... Read More

Unit of Electric Flux

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:53:28


Introduction The atom was known to be electrically neutral through the pioneering studies of scientists such as J.J. Thomson and A. Rutherford who carried out their research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An atom consists of elementary electric charges. The force between electric charges is called electric force. This force belongs to the type of non-contact force. Because this force works without the charges touching each other. The area around a charge where its effect can be felt is called an electric field. The direction of the electric field is known as the direction of force ... Read More

Dielectric constant of Water

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:39:14

2K+ Views

Introduction Dielectrics materials plays a major role while studying Solid State Physics. Solid-state physics is a branch of physics that describes the physical properties of matter in a solid or solid state. Initially, the field was considered a branch of metals, and later, it expanded into a field of study of all types of solids. This field of science is at the forefront of today's modern science and technology. The sector is particularly important in electronics, integrated circuit design, and the development of various sensitive instruments. Matter can be found in three states. They are the gaseous state, solid ... Read More

Unit of Frequency

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:33:02


Introduction Wave is the disturbance in the medium to transfer energy without the transfer of mass. Waves are usually in a periodic motion like a simple harmonic oscillator. They have crests and troughs. The amplitude of the wave is the height of the wave. The distance covered between two consecutive crests is called the wavelength of the wave. The number of waves passed per second is called the frequency of the wave. Phase is not the property of waves. But it gives the relation between two signals with the same frequency. Now, we are going to discuss ... Read More

Dielectric Constant in Vacuum

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:16:19


Introduction The dielectric constant is a critical concept which is used in the field of electricity. Different materials have a massive property to hold huge electric charges for long durations. This property of the material is called dielectric. What is Dielectric? A material that has poor electrical conductivity but owns the capability to store an electrical charge is called dielectric material. There are many dielectric materials like vacuum, metal, air or water. It is important to increase capacitance in a circuit of capacitance in those circuits’ dielectrics play a major role. What is Dielectric Constant? The dielectric constant ... Read More

Mechanics and Its Applications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:04:24

2K+ Views

Introduction Mechanics originated dates back from 384 B.C. to 322 B.C. The ancient Greek philosophers were the first to propose the principles that govern nature. Aristotelian mechanics was considered the main theory of mechanics until the medieval age. Today, the principles of Mathematical mechanics find application in our day-to-day activities. Let’s explore Mechanics in more detail. What is Mechanics? Mechanics is one of the most important branches of Physics. It helps us in observing and analyzing the motion of any physical object under the influence of force or when the object is at rest (F=0). Mechanics helps us to establish ... Read More

Unit of Electric Field

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:57:45


Introduction Almost all forces in physics are characterized by an associated “field”. The idea, in layman’s terms, is to come up with a quantity that measures the strength of the source of the force. In physics, field refers to a physical quantity characterized by specific values at different points in space and/or time. It may be represented by a scalar or a vector. In this tutorial, we will discuss a type of field known as the electric field and the units used to measure it. What is Electric Field? The electric field is a type of physical field that exists ... Read More

Junction Transistor

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 12:15:57

1K+ Views

Introduction Transistors, which are tiny electronic components, have two main uses. They can act as switches to control circuits and amplify signals. There is a rating for a particular voltage and current for each transistor. The three pins on modern transistors typically represent the emitter, base, and collector, respectively, of the transistor. The emitter, base, and collector are represented by these letters. Transistors of the anybody type on the left have a flat edge. The NPN and the PNP are the two primary types of bipolar transistors. Transistor Small electronic parts called transistors serve two main purposes. They can ... Read More
