Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

Setting up an ëApt-Cache' Server Using ëApt-Cacher-NG' in Ubuntu 14.04 Server

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:16:17


Use Apt-Cacher-NG to configure an Apt-Cache server in Ubuntu 14.04 Server by following these instructions. First, install the Apt-Cacher-NG package via the terminal. The configuration file should then be modified to include the cache directory and approved networks. Restart the service to make the changes effective. The Apt-Cache server's IP address should then be included to the set up clients to use it, list file. So that the cache can be applied, update the package listings on the clients. The Apt-Cacher-NG server can store and offer package updates with this configuration, which reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up the ... Read More

Setting Up Hadoop Pre-requisites and Security Hardening

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:14:20


You must meet specific requirements and put security hardening into place before you can set up Hadoop. Install the essential software prerequisites first, such as Java Development Kit (JDK) and Secure Shell (SSH). Before establishing the network settings, verify that the DNS resolution and firewall rules are accurate. Then, make sure that access is safe by creating user accounts for Hadoop services and assigning the proper permissions. Harden Hadoop's security by activating Kerberos-based authentication and authorisation systems and setting up SSL/TLS for secure communication. To further safeguard sensitive data housed in Hadoop clusters, update security patches on a regular basis ... Read More

Setting up a Sandbox Environment on an S.0 BMC Instance

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:09:46


Follow these instructions to configure a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC (Bare Metal Cloud) instance. Install the desired operating system and specs on a S.0 BMC instance first. After logging in, configure the network settings by giving a static IP address, for example, using the BMC panel. To establish isolated sandbox environments, install the required software packages, such as Docker or virtualization technologies. By establishing containers or virtual machines in accordance with your needs, create the sandbox environment. Test the environment one last time to confirm appropriate operation and security. You can create a safe and segregated sandbox environment ... Read More

Setting Up Bind As a Private DNS Server on RHEL 8

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:27:12


Follow these instructions to configure Bind as a private DNS server on RHEL 8. Start by using the package manager to install the Bind package. Then, set the appropriate parameters, including listen-on, forwarders, and zones, in the named.conf file, which is the primary Bind configuration file. For each domain you wish to administer, create zone files and include the relevant records, such as A, CNAME, and NS. Set up the firewall so that DNS traffic is permitted. Start the Bind service and make it so that it launches with the system. Ask the DNS server for domain records to finish ... Read More

Setting up a Firewall on an s0.d1.small BMC Instance

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:26:28


Use these guidelines to set up a firewall on a s0.d1.small BMC instance. Start by using the given IP address to visit the instance's BMC interface. To find the choices for configuring the firewall once inside, go to the security settings area. Set the desired rule sets for both incoming and outgoing network traffic after activating the firewall capability. To impose any necessary access restrictions, specify the permitted protocols, ports, and IP addresses. Apply the firewall settings after configuring the rules and saving the modifications. The BMC instance's security will be considerably improved by this process of filtering and regulating ... Read More

Setting up a Caching DNS Server in Ubuntu Server 14.04

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:16:43


The following actions must be taken in Ubuntu Server 14.04 in order to configure a caching DNS server. Start by running the relevant command the package management provides to install the DNS server software. After installation, modify the configuration file to set up the DNS server. For optimum performance, define the server's IP address and provide the preferred caching parameters in the configuration file. Restart the DNS server after making the necessary adjustments to make the new configuration settings effective. Make sure the right IP address is returned when you query a domain name to see if the server is ... Read More

ServerMania - Discover High Availability Cloud Computing, powered by OpenStack

Ayush Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:46:08


With OpenStack, an open-supply cloud computing platform, ServerMania is a marketplace leader in imparting personal and public cloud computing that is absolutely redundant, pretty available, and cost-effective. With the finest customer support within the commercial enterprise, first-rate uptime, and present-day generation, ServerMania offers committed servers and cloud web website hosting options. ServerMania offers your corporation the intense scalability and excessive availability it desires with managed, completely redundant public cloud computing services. The commercial enterprise makes total use of the sublime capability of the OpenStack era for the prompt arrangement of cloud servers and gives straightforward, tailor-made server administration answers for ... Read More

Server Operating Systems: Server OS Types & How to Choose

Ayush Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:43:20


Server operating systems play a pivotal role in the working of computer systems by overseeing and controlling the assets of servers. These OS sorts are outlined particularly for server situations, advertising vigorous execution, adaptability, and security. When choosing a server OS, a few variables must be considered. To begin with, the expected purpose of the server, such as web facilitating or database administration, determines the specified highlights and compatibility. Momentarily, the framework necessities, counting equipment and programme, ought to be assessed to guarantee consistent integration. Moreover, components like soundness, bolster, and permitting costs must be weighed. Making an educated choice ... Read More

Server Automation Guide

Ayush Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:41:12


Server Automation Direct is a comprehensive asset for streamlining and optimising server administration through mechanisation. This direct focuses on the dynamic utilisation of computerization apparatuses and methods to streamline dreary assignments, improve productivity, and diminish human blunders in server operations. By robotizing different angles such as arrangement administration, programme overhauls, provisioning, and checking, organisations can move forward with adaptability, guarantee reliable server situations, and accomplish quicker reaction times. This direct point points to engaging framework chairmen and IT experts with commonsense information and best practices to use computerization viably, eventually empowering them to realise more noteworthy efficiency and operational brilliance ... Read More

Send a curl DELETE Request {With Example}

Ayush Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:39:15

1K+ Views

The curl Delete task is an HTTP strategy that permits the evacuation of an indicated asset from a server. It is commonly used to Delete information or substances from a web service or API. The Delete request requires the URL of the asset to be Deleted, and extra headers or parameters can be included if required. When the server gets the Delete ask, it forms the ask and Deletes the desired asset in the event that it exists. An effective Delete request ordinarily comes about in an HTTP status code demonstrating the fruitful cancellation of the asset. Curl, a command-line ... Read More
