Found 2 Articles for Nanotechnology

Difference between Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:11:40

2K+ Views

Nanotechnology and nanoscience are two fields of study concentrating on things at the nanoscale scale. Any studies involving items smaller than a hundred nanometers fall under the purview of nanotechnology or nanoscience. These topics are interdisciplinary, combining information from various disciplines such as physics, chemistry, engineering, and biology. The ability to observe and manipulate individual atoms and molecules is fundamental to nanoscience and nanotechnology. Particles make up everything on Earth, such as the food we consume, the clothes we wear, the buildings and houses we reside in, and our bodies. In general, technology refers to applying science to a specific ... Read More

Difference between Nanotechnology and AI

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:15:12


Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology work well together to develop real-world applications. Both technologies are new today; many people see AI and nanotechnology as science fiction. We can produce more powerful AI if the two technologies are closely interconnected. People cannot spend a single day with outusing smartphones or smart watches. The personal virtual assistant on your smartphone is one of your smart device's most significant technical advances. The virtual personal assistant works by using artificial intelligence or AI technology. AI is a revolutionary technology that makes devices smart, intelligent and responsive. Another key driving factor beyond the present technological revolution ... Read More
