Found 23 Articles for Light

Fick’s Law of Diffusion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:45:42


Introduction Diffusion coefficient of Oxygen can be explained by Fick’s laws. Fick’s laws of diffusion describe or explain diffusion, and it was derived in the year 1855 by scientist Adolf Fick. This law can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient, denoted by “D”. Fick’s first law can be used to obtain or derive Fick's second law, which in turn is identical to the diffusion equation. There are two major laws of Fick, and they are - Fick’s first law, which relates the diffusive flux to the gradient of the concentration. It postulates that the flux goes from ... Read More

Polarization of Light

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 12:34:37


Introduction Radiation is a process of transmission of energy from one object to another through the medium or space. It can be ionizing or non-ionizing, which depends upon the energy of the radiation. Ionizing radiation has an energy of more than 10eV and can ionize the particles in their path. X - rays, Gamma rays, alpha emissions, and beta emissions come under ionizing radiation. But non-ionizing radiation has not much energy to ionize the particles in their path. Ultraviolet, infrared, visible, and microwave are some examples of non-ionizing radiation. What is light? Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the ... Read More

Polarisation by Scattering

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 12:40:03


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Photon is the basic unit of light. All electromagnetic energy is made up of photons. They are always neutral. That is, they have no electric charge. They do not decay on their own. Within the electromagnetic spectrum, the wavelength range of the light that is visible to the human eye is 400-700nm. What is scattering? When light travels from one medium to another such as air or water, The particles in the medium absorb the light that passes ... Read More

Angle of Incidence - Definition, Formula, Diagram

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 11:41:32


Introduction Angle of incidence and its measurement is a key concept of Optics. Light rays when incident on the surface like walls and mirrors, will reflect and get dispersed in the environment. The science of optics studies the traversing of light and its changing characteristics when passing from one medium to another medium. The terms like an incident ray, reflected ray, refracted rays, incident angle refracted angle and reflection, refraction index, and like terms clearly articulate the light characteristics which benefit us in many ways. This article is an attempt to describe the reflection and refraction phenomenon of light and ... Read More

Difference Between Led Light Bulb and Regular Bulb

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:24:06


With the advancement in technology coupled with diverse environmental issues, the process of buying a simple light bulb has become more complicated. This comes with the concern regarding energy efficiency and conservation. As with the norm, choosing a certain light bulb can reduce the power consumption while also affecting the environment positively. On the other hand, choosing the wrong light bulb could increase power consumption and cause harm to the environment. It is for these reasons that the information regarding different types of bulbs, such as led light bulbs and the regular bulbs should be availed to the consumers. Led ... Read More

Braille: Helping the Blinds and Visually Impaired

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:04:13


Introduction Brail system is developed for visually impaired people. Generally writing systems are the visual representation that is used to share our feelings and communicate with each other. Many types of communication were followed from the early times. Braille is one such system of communication. In such systems, the conveyer and the reader should be able to understand. Braille is useful for understanding the visually impaired. Braille was embraced by France as the formal communication system for the visually impaired in 1854. Who is called Visually Impaired? Visual impairment or vision impairment is the reduction of eyesight to some ... Read More

Brewster's Law: Definition, Equation, Examples

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 11:21:03


Introduction Brewster’s law is studied in optics. the science of light. If light waves could pass through all materials perfectly, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. All materials would turn invisible. On the other hand, if materials reflected all light perfectly, they would always appear white instead of coloured. Colours are visible only because materials absorb particular wavelengths and reflect others. In practicality, all materials reflect, transmit, or absorb lights selectively. At the same time, light waves with a particular characteristic can be transmitted completely through a particular surface. This involves the incidence of light of a particular polarisation ... Read More

Unit of Light

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 18:20:25


Introduction Everything around us is visible to our eyes because of light only. Our bodies are completely useless in the absence of light called darkness. Sunlight also acts as a renewable source of energy to generate electricity using solar cells. But, the main question, which was a matter of discussion among various physicists was – “What this light is made up of or what does it constitute?”. Many theories were given by scientists to explain the nature of light but failed. However, at last, the Quantum theory of light was proposed which superseded the drawbacks of previous theories. Let’s ... Read More

Bragg's Law - Definition, Derivation, Equation, Applications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 15:27:08


Introduction Bragg’s law is an important concept of atomic and molecular physics. You are already aware that atoms are the building blocks of this universe. They are the foundation of every bit of matter in this universe. But that is not all that we know about the microscopic world. Indeed, we have even managed to divide the atom into electrons, protons, and neutrons. If that is not enough to satisfy your curiosity, you should know that we even know about what “makes up” the electrons and nucleons. But I digress. For now, let us discuss how atoms are arranged. Inside ... Read More

Difference Between Diffraction and Interference

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 17:27:02


Introduction In our day-to-day life we observe various phenomena like after the rain a rainbow is formed in the sky, splitting of white light into seven colors, and when water falls on petrol it also shows different colors. These all phenomena are related to the optical phenomenon of light. In this tutorial, we will discuss the two important phenomena i.e. diffraction and interference. In classical physics, the term diffraction is firstly explained by using the Huygen-Fresnal principle. After this various Scientists make different attempts to explain these terms in their way. It finds applications in the study of biological ... Read More
