Found 766 Articles for JQuery

How to access index of an element in jQuery?

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 07:58:09


To access the index of an element in jQuery, use the eq() method. The eq() method refers the position of the element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to access index of an element in jQuery,Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $('ul li').eq(2).css({'background-color':'#E6B16A'});});   India   US   UK   Australia

How to fetch nth div from an HTML page using jQuery?

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 07:59:33


To fetch the nth div from an HTML page, use the jQuery eq() method. It is used to access the index of an element in jQuery. The eq() method refers the position of the element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to fetch nth div from an HTML page using jQuery. Here, we will fetch the 2nd div:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){   $("#button1").click(function(){     alert($("div:eq(1)").text());   }); }); Paragraph One Paragraph Two - 2nd div selected Paragraph Three Which div?

How to get objects by ID, Class, Tag, and Attribute in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 08:04:36


Here’s how you can get objects by ID Selector (#id), by Class Selector (.class), by Tag, and Attribute (.attr()).Get Object by Class SelectorExampleThe element class selector selects all the elements which match with the given class of the elements.Live Demo           jQuery Selector                          $(document).ready(function() {                 $(".big").css("background-color", "yellow");          });                                  This is first ... Read More

How to escape square brackets in jQuery selector?

Amit D
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:33:37


To escape square brackets in jQuery selectors is quite easy. Let’s see with an example of escaping the brackets in the name of the box.ExampleWhatever you will select, will get added to the textarea on button click.Live Demo $(document).ready(function() {     $("#addnow").click(function () {        $("#myselect :selected").each(function () {           $("#text").val($("#text").val() + $(this).text() + "");        });     }); });     David Select and Click to Add

How to write a jQuery selector to find links with # in href attribute?

Amit D
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:34:31

3K+ Views

ExampleYou can try to run the following code to write a jQuery selector to find links with # in href. Here,^ is used to find links starting with # in href.Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $('a[href^="#"]').click(function(){       alert('Success! Selected link starting with # in href.');    }); }); Demo C++

How to use JavaScript variables in jQuery selectors?

Amit D
Updated on 19-Dec-2019 06:24:39


It’s quite easy to use JavaScript variables in jQuery selectors.ExampleLet’s seen an example to use JavaScript variables in jQuery to hide an element:Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $("input").click(function(){         var name =;       $("input[name=" + name + "]").hide();     } );     }); Heading 1 To hide the buttons, click on it.

How do we use jQuery selector eq:()?

David Meador
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:38:02


If you want to select an element with a specific index, then use the jQuery selector eq(). Here, set the index number to select the element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to use jQuery selector eq():Live Demo $(document).ready(function(){    $("p:eq(1)").css("background-color","red"); }); Heading 1 This is demo text. This is another text. This is demo content

What is the difference between jQuery(selector) and $(selector)?

David Meador
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 12:29:05


The $ variable is for jQuery.  If you’re using more than one JavaScript library or multiple versions of jQuery, then you should use jQuery(selector) instead of $(selector) to avoid name conflicts.ExampleTo understand the noConflict() concept, let us see an example of using the jQuery (selector):Live Demo $.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function(){     jQuery("button").click(function(){         jQuery("h3").text("jQuery works perfectly");     }); }); Testing jQuery Click below: Click me The $ sign is used for jQuery, but what if other frameworks also use the same $ sign; this may create issues and ... Read More

How to get a set of elements containing all of the unique immediate children of each of the matched set of elements?

David Meador
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 07:06:08


The children( [selector] ) method gets a set of elements containing all of the unique immediate children of each of the matched set of elements.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to get a set of elements containing all of the unique immediate children of each of the matched set of elements:Live Demo           jQuery Example                              $(document).ready(function(){             $("div").children(".selected").addClass("blue");          });           ... Read More

How to locate all the descendant elements of a particular type of element?

David Meador
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 07:17:53


The find( selector ) method can be used to locate all the descendant elements of a particular type of elements. The selector can be written using any selector syntax.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to locate all the descendant elements of a particular type of elements:Live Demo           jQuery Example                              $(document).ready(function() {             $("p").find("span").addClass("selected");          });                              .selected {            color:blue;          }                         This is first paragraph and THIS IS BLUE       This is second paragraph and THIS IS ALSO BLUE        
