Found 167 Articles for HowTos

How to Make a Wasp Trap?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 10:48:45


Wasps are usually an excellent category of bugs for a garden since they help fertilize the plants and prevent the other bugs from causing harm to the plants. The wasp stings are common, especially during the warmer months when people are outside their houses for extended periods. The stings of these wasps can be very irritating and painful at first, but most people recover quickly from them without any severe outcomes. A wasp’s stinger contains venom transmitted to a person when a wasp stings them. The initial sensations can include sharp pain, burning, redness, swelling, and itching at the area ... Read More

How to Find Your Exact Location on GPS?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 09-May-2023 11:03:49


Ever imagined how essential maps and locations are in our life? Just consider finding a restaurant or looking at a particular store. You open up your phone or tablet, and voila! A street map shows you routes and points of interest along those routes. Are you on holiday in a tourist destination? A map will show you locations, routes, roads, points of interest, and crucial buildings such as restaurants and medical shops. However, these are more challenging to access if you know how to get to your current location. Moreover, in case of an emergency or a critical situation, you ... Read More

How to Lose Upper Body Fat?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 12-Jan-2023 11:58:54


Everyone wants to be healthy. But just mentioning that I want to be healthy does not make you. It needs rigorous workouts and a proper diet that should be consistent. In this guide, we will specifically talk about upper body fat. How can you reduce it, and what measures should you take to control it? Here are some different methods to reduce upper body fat − Cardio Exercise for Burning Fat It is one of the most common exercises one chooses. Step 1 − This includes running, which is the easiest method. Running for 20 minutes for 2-3 days ... Read More

How to Tell if Your Phone Is Tapped?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 13:40:26

4K+ Views

Several hours are spent every day staring at smartphone screens! The infinite complexity of digital worlds opens up many possible dangers. Crime and fraud have indeed become common. Stealing passwords and bank account details help to commit theft. Malware and spyware are other common problems. Spying can have many reasons. Along with gathering business information, spying can reach secrets, official and personal. It is all risky if the information is leaked online. Like everything else, data has a price. Companies buy information relating to products and buyers for research. Trackers are everywhere. The most brilliant phones could be hacked into. ... Read More

How to Bake a Potato in the Microwave?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 09:55:29

1K+ Views

Baking a potato is a method of cooking a potato in the oven until it is tender and can be easily mashed or sliced. Baking a potato in the microwave is a quick and easy way to enjoy this versatile and nutritious food. Whether you want a simple baked potato topped with butter and salt, or a more elaborate loaded potato with cheese, bacon, and sour cream, the microwave can help you get the job done in a fraction of the time it would take in the oven. To bake a potato, you will need − One or more ... Read More

Five Different Ways to Make Candles at Home

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 10:33:58


It's easy to make candles at home. With a few simple supplies, you're all set to create beautiful, unique candles in any color or scent you like. The most critical part of candle-making is choosing the proper method, and we list some popular ones to get started. Five Easy Methods to Make Candles at Home Here are five easy and quick methods to make candles at home. Let’s read. Method - 1 Without wax Yes, you can make beautiful candles without using any wax at all! Step 1 − Gather All Required Materials Before you get started, gather the materials ... Read More

How to Apply Castor Oil for Hair?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 17:14:02


Castor oil is frequently used in natural therapies for hair preservation, and there is a good reason for this. Castor oil is one of the components that help prevent hair loss. It is used in many products, including hair conditioners, shampoos, treatments, and fats. You can also purchase it as a standalone product and use the same the way you want. If you want to get the most out of castor oil, you need to educate yourself on how to use it properly so that you can avail the most of its potential benefits. In this article, we will guide ... Read More

How to Braid Hair?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 17:11:46


Having a great hair day is something that all of us aspire to. But, to achieve that, we need to put in some effort. Braiding is one of the most popular hairstyles that help you get that perfect hair look. Braids are fashionable and can also keep your hair out of your face. This guide will go through the steps to do a basic hair braid. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Braid Hair Braiding your hair is an art that takes much practice to master. But, with these easy steps, you’ll be able to create a perfect braided hairstyle in ... Read More

How to Be Clean?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 14:39:47


One of the most important aspects of maintaining good health and hygiene is the capacity to keep one's appearance clean and presentable at all times. Maintaining cleanliness in your body and home is necessary to avoid being ill and continue leading a healthy lifestyle. Being clean makes you feel better and gives people the impression that you have put more effort into looking put-together and attractive. This guide will cover maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle and provide some valuable ideas to start your journey. Keep Your Body and Home Clean Keeping your body and home clean is essential to ... Read More

How to Get Rid of Dark Armpits?

Ankur Choudhury
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:45:52


Why do the underarms darken as compared to the surrounding regions? There may be several contributing factors. Early in life, specific lifestyle changes would help prevent it. Some of the causes include melasma which is defined as dark skin patches. An increase in melanin causes hyperpigmentation which can also result from smoking. Erythrasma is a bacterial skin infection that might be the cause. Diabetes and obesity could lead to acanthosis nigricans. Addison’s disease is another possibility due to a damaged adrenal gland. Deodorants contain skin irritants that can make the armpits dark. Dead skin cells too can be a possible ... Read More
