Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

Should districts in India be governed by the district collectors who are appointed or should they be governed by an elected district council like the Zilla Parishad?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:07:32


Most people in India perhaps don't realize that effective democracy actually doesn't exist from the district level downwards to smaller administrative units like the sub-divisions (variously called taluk, tehsil or mandal in different states) and further down to the blocks. It is the district level administration where the policies of both the union and state governments get implemented.It can also be said that the union and state governments actually interface the people at the district level. And who do we have as the executive authority at the district level? The district collector...a civil services officer, who is appointed by the ... Read More

What are the technologies an IT student should learn?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 11:48:18


The IT industry is quite vast and evolving by leaps and bounds every year. There is no specific technology that you learn and start believing that your future is secured. You need to constantly move with the trend and it largely depends on your interest, in which area of IT, you want to excel like, software development, system administrator, database administrator (DBA), researcher, quality analyst (QA), web designer and web developer among others.The Whole Stream Is OpenA developer develops or builds systems and websites using computer programming languages and frameworks. You should be specializing in language or platform in which ... Read More

What are the best ways to run a meeting?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 08:18:32


One of the prime objectives of meetings is to discuss critical issues with peer decision-makers and decide on something tangible. Corporate meetings can't be for 'agreeing to disagree' - such outcomes are more suitable for negotiations with agitating trade unions where you buy time to set up the agenda for the next meeting, and so forth.If you happen to be the leader who is presiding over the meeting, it goes without saying that you ought to be in charge of the meeting and for that, you will need more than your position in the organization - to set the agenda.Maximum ... Read More

Which kind of empowerment are Indian women lacking for?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:27:22


To be honest, most of the loopholes in our laws with regard to women's empowerment have been plugged or are in the process of being plugged. Legally speaking, India doesn't discriminate against women but when it comes to social recognition of women's rights, there are a lot of discrepancies. For instance, women are traditionally found in certain professions and are completely absent from many others.Hence, if a woman is found driving a bus or a truck, she will attract undue attention from onlookers who might just ignore another woman driving a car or SUV at the same time. It's all ... Read More

How do you imagine world after 100 years?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 08:41:24

2K+ Views

After a hundred years means 2118. Well, the earth would not be the only world where humans would be living. Human habitation on Mars would a few decades old by that time and easier and safer travel to and from Mars will be the challenge that mankind would be dealing with at that point.However, human civilization would still very much be centered on the earth which would be completely literate by then.As per my imagination world after 100 years would be like this -There would be no poverty anywhere and countries, cultures, and societies would be much better integrated.Wars would ... Read More

How to win a Nobel Award?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:52:20


The question may have been asked casually but it's a valid question which merits a serious answer. The Nobel Prize is awarded every year for six subject areas - Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Economics, Literature, and Peace. There's a nomination process whereby eminent personalities mainly from academics, who choose nominees for the prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Economics, and Literature while the Peace prize nominations are also chosen by politicians. The nominees are generally high caliber individuals, who have dedicated their lives to their mission and that's why you see their names on that list of the ... Read More

I have a unique startup idea, but don’t know where to start? What should I do?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 11-May-2022 09:13:19


Great! Now, ask yourself this basic question - is it going to solve a genuine problem? Mind you, your perception of a unique idea might not match with the ground realities of the market. So, if your idea solves a problem, then the first thing you need to know is that you should learn about the problem in such detail that there is no chance of missing anything when it comes to offering a solution. It's only when you know the problem in and out that you will find the solution more effectively. Coming to your question about where to ... Read More

How can we remove corruption from India?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 13:38:41


Corruption in India is as old as the human civilization itself. In the Arthashastra, Kautilya mentions, “the fish in the water definitely drinks it, the man who touches the honey surely tastes it, an official amidst public money corrupts it.” Corruption in India exists in various forms and levels from bribe to scams and it is extremely deep-rooted in the system.While corruption cannot be removed from the system completely at one go, the following are the steps that can be taken to minimize corruption at the macro as well as the grassroots level:E-governance − With the setting in of Information ... Read More

Who is a feminist? What is the ideology behind feminism?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 08:36:39


The word ‘Feminism’ in its real sense implies the empowerment of women and support for the rights of the women. Feminist is a person who champions the rights of women in society and who also puts in efforts for the betterment and emancipation of women. Feminism as an ideology and as a movement has following objectives which are also associated with their sub-schools:Creating A Movement of AwarenessThe movement of Feminism gained currency in the 1940s when it expressed itself in the form of a political struggle to fight against the unjust supremacy of male over female members in the civil ... Read More

How women education leads to women empowerment?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


“If you educate one man you educate an individual, but, if you educate one woman you educate one whole family. Women empowered means mother India empowered”. - Pandit Jawaharlal NehruWomen Education in India today is not in an ideal state. Today, only 1 out of 100 girls gets access to higher education (College Education). While, women are excelling in different fields today, on one hand, the women in the masses are even today getting limited or no access to education on the other.The following points answer the question - how proper education to women can help in creating the empowerment ... Read More
