Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Checking Slice of bytes for equality under Unicode case folding in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:46:40


In Golang, byte slices are widely used to store and manipulate binary data. When comparing two byte slices, it is important to take into account Unicode case folding. Unicode case folding is the process of converting characters to a common form, which makes them easier to compare. In this article, we will explore how to check if two byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding in Golang. Unicode Case Folding in Golang Unicode case folding is supported by the unicode package in Golang. The unicode package provides functions for converting characters to different case forms, including uppercase, lowercase, and ... Read More

Checking if structure is empty or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:46:06

1K+ Views

In Go, structures are used to define custom data types that can hold multiple fields of different data types. Sometimes, it is necessary to check if a structure is empty or not. An empty structure is one that has all of its fields set to their zero values. In this article, we will explore different ways to check if a structure is empty or not in Go. Using Reflect Package The reflect package in Go provides a way to perform reflection on values of various types, including structures. Using the reflect package, we can check if a structure is empty ... Read More

Check if the specified element is present in the slice of bytes in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:45:13


A slice of bytes is a dynamic array of bytes used to represent any binary data in Golang. In Golang, it is one of the most widely used data structures. The presence or absence of a particular element in a slice of bytes must often be verified. This article will cover how to check if the specified element is present in the slice of bytes in Golang. Checking if a byte element is present in a slice of bytes To check if the specified element is present in the slice of bytes, we can use the bytes.Contains() function from the ... Read More

Check if the Slice of bytes starts with specified prefix in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:44:34


In Golang, it's common practice to check if the slice of bytes starts with a specified prefix. Golang's bytes package offers a number of functions to perform various operations on byteslices. The HasPrefix function, one of several, determines whether a segment of bytes begins with a given prefix. In this article, we will discuss how to check if a slice of bytes starts with a specified prefix in Golang. We will cover the HasPrefix function provided by the bytes package, its syntax, parameters, and examples. Using HasPrefix Function The bytes package in Golang provides the HasPrefix function to check if ... Read More

Check if the Slice of bytes ends with specified suffix in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:44:10


Checking whether a slice of bytes ends using a specified suffix is a typical task in Golang. Golang's bytes package includes a function called HasSuffix that determines whether or not a given byte slice ends with the specified suffix. In this article, we will discuss the syntax and usage of the HasSuffix function and provide some examples. Syntax of HasSuffix Function The HasSuffix function is a part of the bytes package in Golang, and it takes two arguments. The first argument is the byte slice that needs to be checked, and the second argument is the suffix that needs to ... Read More

Check If the Rune is an Uppercase Letter or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:43:25


A rune in Golang is a representation of a Unicode code point, which is an integer number used to identify a particular character. In many programmes, it's necessary to determine whether a rune is an uppercase letter or not, and Golang has built-in functions to help with this. This article will explain how to use examples to show how to use the Golang check to see if a rune is an uppercase letter. Checking If a Rune is an Uppercase Letter In Golang, the built-in unicode package provides the IsUpper() function that can be used to check if a rune ... Read More

Check If the Rune is a Unicode Punctuation Character or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:42:48


Developers may easily manipulate Unicode characters and symbols. Thanks to the extensive built-in functions and packages provided by the Go programming language (also known as Golang). Determining whether a rune (a Unicode code point) is a punctuation character or not is a common problem when working with strings. Commas, periods, exclamation points, and other symbols used for punctuation in many languages are examples of punctuation characters. This article will examine how to use Golang to determine whether a given rune is a Unicode punctuation character and will include sample code to show how it works. Using the "unicode" Package Golang ... Read More

Check If the Rune is a Symbolic Character or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:42:08


A variety of built-in functions and packages are available in the Go programming language (also known as Golang), which makes it simple to work with characters and symbols in strings. Verifying a rune's (a Unicode code point) status as a symbolic character is a frequent operation when working with strings. Punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, and other non-alphanumeric characters can all be considered symbolic. In this article, we will explore how to check whether a given rune is a symbolic character or not using Golang, and we'll provide some sample code to demonstrate how it works. Using the unicode.IsSymbol() Function Go ... Read More

Check If the Rune is a Space Character or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:41:18


Go has built-in support for Unicode . In Go, a code point from Unicode is represented by the rune type. Evaluating a rune to see if it contains a space character or not is one of the frequent actions when working with strings. Several methods for determining whether a rune in Go is a space character or not will be covered in this article. Using the Unicode Package Many functions for working with Unicode characters are offered by the unicode package, which is part of the Go standard library. One of these functions is called IsSpace, which gives a result ... Read More

Check If the Rune is a Lowercase Letter or not in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 10:40:27


A Unicode code point is represented by the rune type in Go. For many string operations, including case conversion, counting the number of lowercase letters in a string, and other string operations, it is helpful to know if a rune is an uppercase letter or lowercase letter. The several approaches to determine if a rune in Go is a lowercase letter or not will be covered in this article. Using the Unicode Package Go's unicode package offers a number of functions for working with Unicode characters. One such function is IsLower, which gives a true result if the given rune ... Read More
