Found 3 Articles for Exercise

Yoga Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 16:44:44


What is Yoga? Yoga is a practice which was started in India in ancient times. Currently, it has become very popular in India and worldwide. The word Yoga was derived from yuj which is a Sanskrit root. The meaning of this root is to unite. Yoga is a practice whose main goal is to make a link between spirit, mind, and body. It is believed that such a union helps in neutralizing the ego and helps people to become spiritual. Yoga is being practiced since ancient times to unite the mind, spirit, and body. Why Yoga Alternatives? Yoga ... Read More

Difference between Exercise and Yoga

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:52:53

4K+ Views

Exercise and yoga are two popular physical activities that are often confused with each other. Although both of these activities are intended to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual, they are fundamentally different in their approach, goals, and benefits. What is Exercise? Exercise is a physical activity that involves repetitive movements, such as jogging, weightlifting, or swimming, with the primary aim of strengthening the muscles, improving cardiovascular health, and burning calories. Exercise is often associated with high-intensity workouts, which require a significant amount of energy and are focused on achieving a specific fitness goal, such as ... Read More

Squat Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 09-May-2023 18:13:57


What is Squat? Squat is an exercise which is performed for strengthening muscles and burning fat. The exercise can be performed in different ways which is beneficial for different muscles. Multiple joint and muscle integration is required to perform the exercise. Many muscles help the performers to walk climb stairs, bend, carry heavy loads, and do a lot of work. Why there is a need for Squat Alternatives? Squat has many disadvantages if it is not performed properly. Some of the disadvantages are listed here − Risk of back injury Shoulders may get strained Knees may be injured ... Read More
