Found 27 Articles for Difference between

Difference Between Antigen and Antibody

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 17:47:08


Introduction Immunity is the response system in the body needed to be prepared to fight against diseases. The body faces various symptoms when the immunity system breaks down. Antigens act as foreign elements in the body that binds with antigens to proceed with the immune response. Antigens and antibodies acts in the body with opposite natures. Sometimes antibodies fail to fight against antigens. As a result, various diseases occur in the body. What are Antigens? Antigens are large molecular protein structures located on the surface parts of different pathogens. These pathogens include - viruses, fungi, bacteria, and particles of some ... Read More

Difference between Amylose and Amylopectin

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 17:56:36


Introduction Polysaccharides are generally odourless or colourless elements that are available in different types of plant bodies because of the presence of carbohydrates in the form of termed starch. It is considered the primary storage of energy factors available in the boast of plants and it is the primary ingredient of carbohydrate that the human body consumes. The starch is mainly composed of two different molecules such as amylose as well as amylopectin. What are Amylose and Amylopectin? Amylose is a particular type of polysaccharide and its unit of glucose of it is made with linear polymer. This molecule is ... Read More

Difference Between Active and Passive Immunity

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 18:06:51


Introduction The human body has two types of the adaptive immune system that refers to “active and passive immunity”. Both immune systems can be differentiated using available antibodies that are produced inside the human body. Additionally, both immune system works to restrict infection in the human body. The way of working is different for both the immune systems in the human body. What is Immunity? Immunity refers to the production of antibodies and application of them to prevent infections that can affect the human body. Additionally, adaptive immunity in humans can be separated into additional two types - “active ... Read More

Difference between Actin and Myosin

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 18:13:41


Introduction Two important types of proteins of the human body are acting as well as myosin. Actin belongs to a family built of eukaryotic cells and the concentration of this type of protein is more than one hundred micrometers. Myosin can be denoted as a protein of a significant family that consists of some motor proteins and it is very vital for the contraction of muscle along with other types of motility procedures. What are Actin and Myosin? Actin is one of the most important proteins seen in the body of a human being that guides the formation of microfilaments ... Read More

Difference between Corm and Bulb

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:26:31


Introduction The stems of the plants are modified in various ways to match their adaptation requirements. These types of modifications can be in various types like underground, aerial, and sub-aerial. The stems that were modified in underground are bulbs, corms, rhizomes and tubers. The stems may match the plant’s roots but there are so many differences in their buds, nodes, internodes, and leaves. The main cause of the stem’s modification and development is to survive in any type of hostile conditions. What is Corm? Corm is a type of underground stem that is enlarged and swollen and stores food at ... Read More

Difference between Compact and Spongy Bones

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:50:01


Introduction The term bone can be defined as the rigid body tissue, which helps to make the body skeleton. It is made up of different types of cells that work as connective tissue. The basic function of the bone is to provide the structural base to the body and gives required mobility. Two types of bone tissue present in long bones, which are different in density and structure, are compact and spongy bone tissue. What are Compact Bones? Compact bones can be located on the outer sections of the long bones. These bones are rigid in nature. The gap and ... Read More

Difference between Cold Blooded and Warm Blooded Animals

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:51:31


Introduction The cold-blooded, as well as warm-blooded animals are the most important part of the environment and they have different characteristics. The cold-blooded animals cannot survive in conditions where there is extreme temperature and some examples are reptiles and fishes. On the other hand, warm-blooded animals can maintain constant internal body temperature. They are able in surviving in conditions where the temperature is so high and mammals are examples of this kind. What are Cold-blooded Animals? Cold-blooded animals are the kind of creature who does not consist of the capability of regulating the heat of the body as per the ... Read More

Difference Between Cofactor and Coenzyme

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:52:38


Introduction The process of biochemical reactions that usually occur within the body is very important for a person to lead a very healthy life. In this case, health is maintained by the secretion of different enzymes lying inside the body of a human being. This is the reason behind the fact that the enzymes operate in a proper way. Hence, coenzymes and cofactors play a significant role to keep a body healthy for a long period of time. These are the reactions that are formed to cater to the need for biochemical reactions in the body. Thus, they help the ... Read More

Difference between Cilia and Flagella

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:53:56


Introduction In animal and plant cells extended structures such as Cilia and Flagella are found that help in locomotion. Together with the process of locomotion, these extended structures contribute to the function that involves, circulation, respiration as well as excretion. Moreover, these are used by organisms for capturing food and also consist of proteins that involve, nexin, tubulin and respiration. What is Cilia? – Definition and Structure Cilia are a structure that is both microscopic and appears like short hair and is slender in nature. This structure is stated to grow all over the cell membrane that primarily supports ... Read More

Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 18:52:28


Introduction The difference between chromosome and chromatid relates to the functionality in the material of generations and the cells that can be duplicated accordingly. The differentiation can be obtained with the Chromatids that are connected with the centromere. Additionally, the distinctions can be referred to as managed with the procedure where the DNA replication to the synthesis process can be observed. What is a Chromosome: Definition, Structure, and Characteristics Chromosome refers to the genetic material that holds all the features and traits of any organism. The word chromosome was extracted from the Greek word Chroma and Soma those have been ... Read More
