Difference between Corm and Bulb


The stems of the plants are modified in various ways to match their adaptation requirements. These types of modifications can be in various types like underground, aerial, and sub-aerial. The stems that were modified in underground are bulbs, corms, rhizomes and tubers. The stems may match the plant’s roots but there are so many differences in their buds, nodes, internodes, and leaves. The main cause of the stem’s modification and development is to survive in any type of hostile conditions.

What is Corm?

Corm is a type of underground stem that is enlarged and swollen and stores food at the time of dormancy for the trees. Corms are formed for the food and nutrients. These types of nutrients are naturally stored between the corms at the time of the growing season. These nutrients help to form the different parts of the trees such as roots, flowers and leaves because of the upcoming growing season of the tree. Corms are able to stimulate through other corms.

These cormlets parted from the main corms to form the copy that looks the same. The shape of the corm is round or flattened. The roots of the corms can develop from the corm base. Generally, the parent corms expire back and for the next year, the new corm becomes the main source of the plant. The nutrients that the plant receives are reserved for the future. The corms parted and moved to the individual parts of a garden for vegetative multiplication. Most common example of corm includes gladiolus, couscous, and crocosmia.

Properties of Corm

  • Corms are known to be shrouded in a fibrous structure called tunic.

  • The roots come out from a sleek place at the base called the basal plate.

  • Corm holds starches to increase the growth and development of the plants and helps the plants for surviving in the crucial and hostile conditions of the weather.

  • This also helps to form offshoots called the daughter corms or cormels.

  • These cormels are conducted for vegetative reproduction.

What are Bulbs?

There are so many stem modifications; between them bulb is one. These types of stems are found on most perennial monocotyledons. Bulb works as the place where their seeds are resting. A bulb is shaped like a globe and is characterized through a large central bud which develops underground. A bud that is developed from the centre of the bulb is known to create leaves and flowers. The bulb too has fleshy or membrane leaves which develop from a tiny stem.

The base of the bulb germinates a clump of adventitious roots. The branches of the bulbs come out from the lateral buds. All the foods of the plants are stored in the leaves. The new bulb is replaced when the old bulb is wasted. The perfect examples of the bulb are onion, garlic, tulips, lilies, and iris.

Types of Bulbs

  • The amaryllis family of bulbs is part of the family of Amaryllidaceae that remains in the alliums. Bulbs are can be segmented in different groups, among them alliums are the ones, that produce into garlic, onion and other types of the edible crop. These crops are covered by a thin paper-like layer that is called a protective layer.

  • There has another type of family that is liliaceae. This group of families contains tulips and lilies. These flowers remain uncovered. These types of bulbs generally form their blossoms in seasons like spring and summer.

Differences between Corm and Bulb

There are numerous differences between Corms and Bulbs. They are as listed below.



The shape of the corm is elongated, spherical and compressed.

The shape of the bulb is spherical or pyriform.

The stem base of corm generally looks round and is swollen with scalyleaves.

The stems of bulb are short and have a fleshy leaf base.

The corm is the underground stem modification.

The bulb is a condensed shoot which develops underground.

The stem of the corm is enlarged aswell as swollen.

The shape of the stem of the bulb isconical.

The bud of the corm is external.

The bud of the bulb is internal.

The corm is developed through all parts of the stem.

The bulb is developed through the ventral side.

The tunic of the corm is absent.

The tunic of the bulb is present allthe time.

There are different types of nodes present in the corm.

There are no clear nodes present in the bulb.

The new corm takes birth beside the or on the old corm.

The new bulb is replaced when the old bulb is wasted.

Examples of the corms are freesia, crocus, gladiolus etc.

Examples of the bulb are allium, tulip, onion, and daffodils.


There is range of plants on planet that shows a growth of underground stems. Corm and the bulb develop and grow for the storage of food and to survive in hostile weather. The corm is the underground stem modification. The corm is developed through all parts of the stem. The bulb is the condensed shoot that develops underground. The corm and the bulb are the types of plants that reserved food for the future.


Qns 1. What is Rhizome?

Ans. This is an underground stem that develops horizontally. Rhizomes are decorated with eyes. The eyes can be increased by parting them into pieces.

Qns 2. What is a tuber?

Ans. The tuber is like the bulb flower. On the other hand, the shape of the tuber is not round. The tuber reserves the food for the future in the fleshy root.

Qns 3. What are the geophytes?

Ans. The geophytes type plants have underground organs. In these organs, they store water and food. Corms and bulbs are serialised as geophytes.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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