Found 822 Articles for Business

Evolution of Project Management Certifications

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 12:36:24


Project management developed during the 1950s as a separate discipline because of changes in the social and economic structures. Project management is now available as a career option, with certification becoming increasingly important over the years. Project Management Certification, PMP, is a globally recognized certification granted by Project Management Institute, which was founded in 1967. With this certification, you're sure that your company is in good hands. What do you Understand by Project Management? While projects can last for only a limited time, they have an intended goal and expected result. Depending on the resources available and the time ... Read More

Difference Between Project Management and General Operations Management

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 12:26:50


This guide will cover both project management and general operations management so that you have all of the information necessary to make an educated decision when it's time to decide on becoming a project manager or general operations manager. General Operations Management Project managers typically handle specific jobs and tasks, while operations managers take care of entire teams and larger projects. The project manager role is more temporary in nature, while the general operations manager position is more permanent in scope. Operations management involves planning and executing activities and functions that produce products or services. There are three main ... Read More

Common Mistakes Beginner Quality Managers Make

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 12:25:12


Quality managers are essential for any company. They help ensure operations run smoothly, and that all products and services are consistent. Although it's only natural to make mistakes at the start, new recruits should try their best to prevent them, even if it's just a learning process. Making mistakes is part of the job when it comes to managing quality. Although nobody ever plans to make them, you'll want to be prepared and know what to look for if you become a beginner or are working with someone who is new to the field. A Few Avoidable Mistakes by Quality ... Read More

Understanding Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 12:02:33


Statistical process control (SPC) is a technique used to monitor processes to ensure they are under control. SPC can be used for many different types of industries, including manufacturing and food production. In this article, we'll cover statistical process control, how it works, and why it's so important. We'll also discuss some examples of applications where SPC has been put into practice so you can see how effective this method is at improving operations overall! What is statistical process control (SPC)? Statistical process control (SPC) is a technique used to monitor processes and manage their quality on an ongoing basis. ... Read More

The Six Sigma Process Explained and Tips to Start Implementing It Today

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 12:00:05


If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you know that achieving success requires continuous improvement. And that's where Six Sigma comes in − Six Sigma is one of the world's most popular and successful quality management systems. It's a process that helps businesses reduce variation and improve quality across their entire supply chain. It involves a series of steps that can be applied in any organization, but depending on your needs, you may want to customize it slightly. What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a process of continuous improvement. It’s a way to eliminate defects, improve quality and ... Read More

The Concept of Zero Defects in Quality Management

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:57:59

2K+ Views

Quality is the cornerstone of any successful business. No business, no matter how small, wants to deal with an unsatisfied customer. It's not just frustrating; it can cost companies money in lost sales and damaged reputation. And that's where quality management comes in − achieving and maintaining high standards is a priority for many. Zero Defects (ZD) is a quality assurance concept developed by Philip Crosby. The concept's core was that individual workers should be empowered to reject products and processes that do not meet standards. It imposes personal accountability on individuals to ensure that the items they produce are ... Read More

Quality Management Process: Elements and Examples

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:56:39


Quality management is a critical part of product development. It's not just about ensuring that your product is delivered on time and in the right condition; it's also about improving customer satisfaction and other key business metrics. The bad news is that there are many different ways to approach quality management, making it difficult to get started or stay focused on your goals. However, with some planning and planning tools, you'll be able to develop a quality strategy that works for your organization! In this article, we'll cover seven elements needed when developing an effective quality management plan as well ... Read More

Is Six Sigma a Zero Defects Standard?

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:51:10


In today's fast−paced world, quality is a top priority for many businesses. One method that businesses often turn to is Six Sigma. Six Sigma is a quality management system that emphasizes process improvement, customer satisfaction, and cost reduction. While there are many similarities between Six Sigma and zero defects, they stem from different schools of thought− one focuses on improving processes through better efficiency, while others focus on eliminating defects. In this article, we will explore what these two concepts mean and see how they differ when compared to each other. What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a methodology ... Read More

7 Burning Questions Every Six Sigma Professional Would Ask

Gursheen Kaur
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:49:15


Six Sigma is a set of processes and tools that help companies improve their quality by reducing defects. In the past few years, it has become an increasingly important part of business strategy for small and medium−sized companies because it helps them get ahead in the market. What is the importance of Six Sigma? Six sigma is an important quality management system that has been adopted by many businesses in order to achieve greater efficiency, reliability, and accuracy. Today, Six Sigma is used by companies of all sizes and industries to reduce variation and improve process flow. It helps organizations ... Read More

WBS Approach in Project Management

Geerthana M.S
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 16:05:11


A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a method for completing a complex inter-project. It is a strategy of splitting and conquering large tasks in order to do them more quickly. It is used to simplify a complicated process. By examining diverse areas of a job, several teams can become closely connected, resulting in enhanced work performance and simpler project planning. Work Breakdown Structure: Things to Note Begin by cutting the major specifications into smaller ones, relatively breaking them down. Start at the very top and begin to descend. Once you've decided on the primary outcomes, start breaking them down into ... Read More
